According to Odaily, Tether, a stablecoin issuer, has announced a strategic partnership with the Vietnam Blockchain Association (VBA) to promote blockchain and digital asset education. The collaboration aims to disseminate blockchain technology to public interest stakeholders through a series of meetings and seminars, fostering knowledge sharing and capacity building within the industry.

The VBA, headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City, is a hub for standardizing and promoting blockchain technology in Vietnam. The association plays a crucial role in promoting blockchain technology in the country and advocates for blockchain education through nationwide educational activities.

In 2023, Vietnam became the third-largest cryptocurrency appreciating country globally, following the United States and the United Kingdom. The appreciation amount was nearly $1.18 billion, making it one of the top five Asian markets in the top 10 countries for cryptocurrency appreciation. It was reported that Vietnamese citizens use cryptocurrency to access banking services that were previously inaccessible. Approximately 17% of the population owns or holds cryptocurrency, making Vietnam a hub for cryptocurrency activities.