According to Odaily, Mint Cash has announced plans to launch an internal demonstration and testnet in August. The company also revealed that it will be undergoing a significant transformation, which will include changes to its architecture, whitepaper, partnerships, and brand.

The announcement was made on a social media platform, where Mint Cash shared its plans for the upcoming months. The company's decision to revamp its architecture and whitepaper indicates a strategic shift in its operations. The changes to its partnerships and brand suggest that Mint Cash is looking to strengthen its position in the market and expand its reach.

The launch of the internal demonstration and testnet is a significant step for Mint Cash. It will allow the company to test its new systems and strategies before implementing them on a larger scale. The results of these tests will be crucial in determining the success of Mint Cash's transformation.

The company has not provided any further details about the changes or the testnet launch. However, the announcement has sparked interest in the crypto community, with many looking forward to seeing how Mint Cash's transformation will impact its operations and the wider market.