According to BlockBeats, Ritual, a decentralized AI computing platform, announced on June 27th that it has entered into a partnership with Allora, a decentralized AI network. The aim of this collaboration is to create, share, and deploy AI applications based on a transparent, community-governed ecosystem.

In previous news, Ritual announced in November of the previous year that it had completed a funding round of 25 million dollars. The funding round was led by Archetype, with participation from Accomplice and Robot Ventures. This significant financial boost is expected to aid in the development and deployment of AI applications in the partnership with Allora.

The partnership between Ritual and Allora signifies a step forward in the field of decentralized AI. By combining their resources and expertise, the two platforms aim to foster a transparent and community-governed ecosystem for AI applications. This collaboration is expected to contribute significantly to the advancement of AI technology and its applications.