According to BlockBeats, Uniswap, a popular decentralized exchange, has added support for Zora Network. The integration was officially announced on June 25th. This move allows Uniswap users to directly interact with Zora Network, expanding the range of services available on the platform.

The addition of Zora Network to Uniswap's supported networks is a significant development for both platforms. For Uniswap, it means an expansion of its service offerings and potentially a larger user base. For Zora Network, being supported by a well-known platform like Uniswap could increase its visibility and usage.

Details about the integration, such as how it will work and what benefits it will bring to users, were not provided in the announcement. However, the move is generally seen as a positive step towards greater interoperability and functionality in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.

This news follows a trend of continuous growth and expansion in the DeFi sector, with more and more platforms seeking to integrate with each other to offer a wider range of services to their users. The integration of Zora Network into Uniswap is a clear example of this trend.