Binance has announced that it will list LayerZero (ZRO) and enable trading for the following spot trading pairs on June 20, 2024, at 12:00 UTC:*


- Deposits:
 Users can start depositing LayerZero (ZRO) in preparation for trading.

- Withdrawals:
 Withdrawals for ZRO will open on June 21, 2024, at 12:00 UTC.

- Listing Fee:
 The listing fee for LayerZero (ZRO) is 0 BNB.

Supported Networks:

LayerZero (ZRO) will be supported on the following networks:
- Ethereum
- BNB Chain
- Optimism
- Arbitrum
- Base
- Matic
- Avalanche

Binance continues to expand its range of coins and tokens, providing users with more trading and investment opportunities.