According to Odaily, Henrik Anderrson, the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of asset management firm Apollo Crypto, has shared his views on the recent market downturn. Anderrson stated that he could not pinpoint a specific cause for the decline, but suggested that the decreased interest in Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) could be a contributing factor.

He said, 'From what I can see, there is no obvious catalyst, but it appears that the large outflows from Bitcoin ETFs have led to a weakening of altcoins, triggering liquidations among leveraged long traders of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin.'

Anderrson's comments come amid a broader discussion in the crypto community about the factors influencing market trends. While he could not definitively identify a single cause, his observations about the potential impact of Bitcoin ETFs on the market provide valuable insights for investors and market watchers.

It's important to note that market trends are influenced by a variety of factors, and the views expressed by Anderrson represent one perspective within the broader conversation. As the crypto market continues to evolve, understanding these dynamics will be crucial for investors navigating this complex landscape.