According to Odaily, a user has reportedly lost 170 cbETH, equivalent to $663,308, due to signing a Permit phishing signature. The incident occurred approximately 45 minutes ago, as detected by Scam Sniffer.

Permit phishing is a type of cyber attack where the attacker tricks the victim into providing sensitive information, such as private keys or passwords, by pretending to be a trustworthy entity. In this case, the user was deceived into signing a Permit phishing signature, leading to the loss of a significant amount of cbETH.

Scam Sniffer, the platform that detected the incident, is a tool designed to monitor and report on potential scams in the digital currency space. It is yet to be determined whether the user will be able to recover the lost funds. The incident serves as a reminder of the risks associated with digital currencies and the importance of exercising caution when dealing with digital transactions.