According to Odaily, the Chinese community of ZKsync has expressed disappointment with the leadership of Matter Labs. The community stated that they are unable to change anything but feel a responsibility towards their contributors and community members. They plan to detail their experiences and disclose all known truths, including specific evidence. The community believes that Matter Labs' uncompromising principles could potentially ruin ZKsync.

The Chinese community of ZKsync has not specified what these uncompromising principles are, or how they could potentially harm ZKsync. However, their commitment to transparency and accountability to their contributors and community members is clear. They have pledged to disclose all the information they have, including specific evidence, to shed light on their concerns.

This announcement comes as a significant development within the ZKsync community, reflecting potential internal disagreements or conflicts. The impact of these developments on ZKsync and Matter Labs remains to be seen. The Chinese community's future actions and disclosures could potentially influence the direction and reputation of both ZKsync and Matter Labs.