According to Foresight News, Huma Finance, a platform for tokenizing real-world assets, has merged with Arf, a platform focused on cross-border payment liquidity and settlement. The merger aims to enhance the adoption of tokenized assets. As part of the transaction, Huma and Arf will become part of a newly established holding entity, 00 Holdings Inc. Both companies will continue to operate independently under their existing names and brands, and the venture capitalists of both companies will become shareholders of 00 Holdings. The legal procedures for the merger, which was signed in November last year, are expected to be completed later this month.

Erbil Karaman, co-founder and co-CEO of Huma Finance, did not disclose the terms of the transaction but stated that the new entity is finalizing a major round of financing following the merger. Karaman also revealed that Huma is currently live on Polygon and Celo, and is expected to launch on Stellar's new smart contract platform, Soroban, in the coming months.