📈 Positive Correlation Between Bitcoin & Nasdaq

Since 2020, Bitcoin and the Nasdaq Index have shown increasingly strong positive correlation. 📊

🔍 Long-term correlation has strengthened, with both markets highly synchronized during macroeconomic events and market sentiment shifts.

📈 Between 2018-2021, both were volatile, peaking in Nov 2021 and bottoming between Oct-Nov 2022.

📅 Key events like Bitcoin’s entry into the U.S. futures market in 2017, Tesla’s large Bitcoin purchase in 2021, and the approval of Bitcoin spot ETFs in 2024 have made Bitcoin more market-oriented, representing tech innovation.

🔝 Since then, both have continued to rise, hitting new highs, demonstrating stronger positive correlation.

💡 This reflects investors’ preferences for tech and innovation, indicating Bitcoin’s growing acceptance in mainstream financial markets.

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