The US stock market closed with a mixed finish on Tuesday, with the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average posting gains, while the Nasdaq Composite ended slightly lower. The S&P 500 index rose by 0.16%, closing at 3,983.69. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also advanced, gaining 0.25% to close at 33,161.65. However, the Nasdaq Composite declined by 0.06% to close at 11,405.90. Sector performance was mixed, with gains in energy, financials, and industrials offset by declines in technology and communication services. The mixed finish on Wall Street came as investors weighed concerns over the Federal Reserve's plans to raise interest rates to combat inflation against better-than-expected earnings reports from some companies. The US stock market has been volatile in recent months, as investors grapple with concerns about inflation, the war in Ukraine, and the potential for an economic slowdown. However, the markets have generally trended higher this year, with the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average both recording gains of over 10%.