The traditional CAPTCHA challenge has been given a demon-slaying makeover with the introduction of Doom CAPTCHA. Created by Guillermo Rauch, CEO of Vercel, this unique project requires users to play the classic first-person shooter Doom and defeat at least three enemies in nightmare mode to prove their humanity. While navigating the maze and battling demons may seem straightforward, the difficulty level adds a challenging twist. The inspiration behind using Doom for this purpose stems from the game's unconventional gameplay and widespread popularity among gamers. Additionally, the game's open-source nature has led to various creative adaptations, including running Doom on diverse platforms such as lawnmowers, ATMs, and even cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin. As the trend of running Doom on unconventional devices continues to grow, Rauch hinted at potential future updates to make the CAPTCHA even more challenging. Read more AI-generated news on: