No one understands crypto! No one! Not even scientists. It all relies on stupid news it’s not even the market cap cuz there are coins with 500$ total market cap with value above $1 or more and there are jokes like doge 50 B+ market cap and it hasn’t even reached $0.80 ever. It likely will never go beyond that and probably will drop to 0.30 or less.
It is indistinguishable from gambling. But there’s a tinny trick that helps you benefit from the system and that is; Keep track of ur fvrt coins or use AI to check the which coins are near their all time low for the last few weeks and wait for it to drop nearest to it. it’s all time low and buy it, wait until it goes up by 5% from there. It usually takes a few days. Once there just get rid of it and look into another coin and repeat.
This is the only trick I have personally tried and worked for me.