Upon reading this article, you will have never thought that this could change your entire trading life. Until it does!

There are certain facts in the crypto market that is helpful most of the time. Including relevant news, market structures and as well as trading decisions of the whole market. Taking into account of all these facts will assist you in gaining a clearer perspective of what's to come. The 'what's to come' is pertained to the price action of the crypto market. This then becomes the reason why we have to understand several facts in the crypto market.

FACTS of the crypto market includes but aren't limited to:

1. The crypto market is an everchanging cycle of market phases which forms every market structure that we can see right now.

2. Trading patterns are there for a purpose. Even when they don't seem to make sense sometimes. They will always have a purpose.

3. Rational way of trading will always prevail rather than emotional trading. The crypto market will never adapt to your emotions instead it will tell you to adapt yourself to itself.

4. You don't gain without taking a potential risk. Almost everyone is prepared for 'profits' and not the possible 'losses'.

5. Risk management is better than any analysis/strategy that anyone could ever have. It doesn't only allow you to make better trading decisions but it will also make your portfolio survive on any market scenarios, even when it's at harsh conditions.

6. Once you see a confusing market pattern. It's best to avoid trading during that time and let it be for awhile. The crypto market will always present equal opportunities. Therefore, taking trades once the market patterns are more understandable is important.

There are more facts in the crypto market that not only aids in every trader's market decision but also embodies the whole mindset for an upcoming expert trader.

They won't tell you about another hidden indicator in the cryptocurrency market!

In order to better prepare for market price movement, you may be searching for hidden signs in the cryptocurrency market. You're in the proper location.

This is the reason.

If you haven't observed, in addition to the typical situations when the market is experiencing strong selloffs, there are a number of elements that can be taken into consideration when the market is rejected. One contributing element is the market's sudden shift in attitude from greed to dread. Additionally, there are a number of factors that influence the market's rejections, such as a decline in trading volume and the likelihood that individuals who choose to take a day off from trading may sell.

There is one secret indicator, though, that will astound you.

Always keep in mind that multiple projects will be created for a certain coin whenever prices are near their bottoms or supports. resulting in a price increase or possibly a spike as demand grows. Likewise, when a token approaches its primary resistance. Gradually, you will notice. They will publish information that frequently has a negative effect on the market. Up until that point, every unfavorable information will be made public, and a huge, shocking piece of news will also be hastily disseminated without anyone noticing.

Let's use the arrest of Telegram's CEO as an illustration.


First of all before we go through the article. This article is not meant to mock anyone who's suffering with their trades but instead this article is meant to educate traders who are new and are struggling.

Let's take #LOOM as an example.

There are traders who got trapped in the key levels where most sellers would have already partially sold the bags they've hold for this altcoin and the traders who entered at those key levels are wondering how it went down. This is the tricky part of the trading life. You don't know where the exact position sellers would do selloffs and the exact time. Although, you can check the ESTIMATED possible price and time where they would take their positions in doing selloffs. Those who are doing spots doesn't have any problem since they can just continue to HODL and also DCA or put more to their holdings. Those with future trades on this altcoin may be doing overleverages and never taking into account the possibility of a momentary reversal and a quick one at that. In any market, there are shakeouts meant to take care of those who do 'too' early and 'too' late positions. Thus, it would be wise to continue sticking to listing out the 'possible' areas where you can enter a trade and avoid a trade. It's as simple as that.

These posts are for educational purposes. To guide the people who might still be struggling within the crypto market, those who are new to the environment and volatility and everyone else who needs it.

Stay wise, trade cautiously.