Жауапкершіліктен бас тарту туралы мәлімдеме: үшінші тараптардың пікірлері бар. Қаржылық кеңес емес. Ішінде жарнамалық контент болуы мүмкін.Шарттар мен талаптарды қараңыз.
I am very familiar with this coin. Look at its market value and supply. A 10% increase is the best it can do. If you want to get a 100x coin, you have to look at the local dogs in the primary market. I bought Marvin before. Its market value is very low now. If you believe in it, you can buy some. Its market value is 10 million US dollars now. If it comes out with 100 million US dollars, you can definitely get 10 times the value if you can hold it for a month.
Hello! My name is Felipe, and I have been a cryptocurrency enthusiast since 2013 when I first discovered Bitcoin. My focus is to spread knowledge about cryptos.