The current price of PEPE on Binance is 0.00002329 USDT, with a 24-hour high of 0.00002499 USDT and a low of 0.00002302 USDT. Key technical indicators, such as the Moving Averages (MA(5) at 518,857,140,079 and MA(10) at 598,034,195,985), highlight recent trading volumes. The MACD values (DIF at -0.00000024, DEA at -0.00000015, and MACD at -0.00000009) suggest a bearish sentiment, while the KDJ indicator (K at 18.79, D at 19.10, and J at 18.17) shows an oversold market condition, indicating a potential reversal.
For an intraday setup, the key levels to watch are 0.00002836 USDT as a bullish target and 0.00001885 USDT as a bearish target.
A break above the 24-hour high of 0.00002499 USDT could lead to a move towards the bullish target,
while a drop below the 24-hour low of 0.00002302 USDT might indicate further bearish movement towards the bearish target.