I’m sure everyone here suffered the impact of the volatility of the market, with those corrections looking for consolidation and creating new levels for resistance, it is important to know that everyone got impacted, but know this, the history repeats, hopefully we will recover the losses and be prepared for the tendencies shown on the market, it’s important to know the Dow theories, they teach so much, overall how there are more that just the short term o mid term tendencies, and as such, one have to conduct their analyses based on the long term, mid term and short term, so when you decide to jump in you have made the most informed decision, knowing the risk involved could caused that the result may not be as planed right away, so it’s important not to panic, always conduct your own research and know your assets. There’re so much noice out there anyway, so keep it up, this season is not over yet. Get ready!
Disclaimer: my opinion doesn’t constitute financial advice, always conduct your own research and know your assets, since the crypto market and trading involves high risk.