#Macedonia #REEFUSDT #BTC #ETH #BNB+3.74%

Who Are the Founders of Reef?

Reef was founded by Denko Mancheski. His motivation was to build the most advanced blockchain for retail investors who want to get involved with DeFi, NFTs and Gaming.

Mancheski wanted to help cryptocurrency newcomers overcome the complexities associated with interacting with a blockchain and understanding new concepts such as DeFi and NFTs. Additionally, the ability to give access many bridges to other blockchains so that funds and liquidity can easily be ported to Reef Chain, allowing retail investors to take advantage of high scalability and low fees.

Born in Macedonia, Mancheski said that his passion for FinTech led to him being introduced to blockchain technology. He has described forming a competent team as the biggest challenge associated with bringing Reef to life.

When asked about the personal attributes that will help him become a successful entrepreneur, he added: "I have a very addictive personality- I just can't stop doing something until I get to the goal that I set for myself."