Crypto trading is a game and you need to understand how it's played so you win.

Of course there are losses but your wins should outweigh the losses if you know the rules.

Here's what I do and you can do too.

Whenever a coin you buy, gives you good profit from 50-100%, TAKE OUT SOME PROFIT.

You can either put that profit in another coin that's down or you wait for the same coin you just took profit from, to go down, THEN BUY MORE QUANTITY OF THE COIN.

See, let's say you bought 10,000 pieces of a coin with $10,000... if you do sell when the coin is high and buy the same coin when it falls, you can end up with 50,000 pieces of the same coin from the initial $10 capital that you started with.

Especially if you don't have much capital, this is the system.

This is how we grow our capital.
