current market price of BTTC is 0.00000148 USD. To achieve a price of 0.01 USD, the circulating supply would need to change significantly.
Here's the breakdown:
Current Market Capitalization: 1.48 billion USD
Target Price: 0.01 USD
Required Market Capitalization to Reach Target Price:
Target Market Cap = (Target Price / Current Price) * Current Market Cap
Target Market Cap = (0.01 / 0.00000148) * 1.48 billion USD
Target Market Cap = 10 billion USD
Required Change in Circulating Supply:
Required Change = (Target Market Cap - Current Market Cap) / Target Price
Required Change = (10 billion USD - 1.48 billion USD) / 0.01 USD
Required Change = 852 billion BTTC
This means that the circulating supply of BTTC would need to increase by approximately 852 billion coins to reach a price of 0.01 USD.
It's important to note that this is a purely theoretical calculation and doesn't take into account various market factors that could influence the actual price of BTTC