In the 1980s, Susan Kare, known for her iconic Apple Macintosh designs, is now blending digital and physical realms with her new collection, Esc Keys. Presented at London's Asprey Studio during Frieze London, the collection features pixel art designs inscribed on precious metal keyboard keys. These keys can be worn as pendants, displayed on walls, or used in mechanical keyboards. Kare's artwork, inspired by her Macintosh design work, includes an alien face, a tortoise, and a playful 'panic!' button. Additionally, the artworks are available as NFTs and Bitcoin Ordinals. Kare's creative process involved simplifying complex concepts into abstract icons, akin to crafting a haiku. She aims to convey authenticity and simplicity through her designs, such as depicting 'kindness' with a watering can and sapling. As Kare continues her pixel art journey, Asprey Studio embraces Web3 technology, offering NFT token-gated memberships and expanding into digital and physical collections. Read more AI-generated news on: