In an exciting new development, Major Coin has just dropped an important announcement via their official Telegram channel, and it’s one that’s sure to catch the attention of all $MAJOR token holders and crypto enthusiasts alike. On October 11th, the option to purchase Rating Points with Stars will officially close. But don’t worry — this isn’t an apocalyptic warning, rather, it’s a significant milestone in Major Coin’s journey as they prepare for an exciting listing.

What Does This Mean for $MAJOR Holders?

If you’re unfamiliar with Rating Points and Stars, here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Rating Points: A vital part of the Major Coin ecosystem, these points determine your rank and status in the community. Higher ranks unlock exclusive benefits, so it's essential to accumulate as many as possible if you want to stand out.

  • Stars: This is the in-app currency you can currently use to purchase Rating Points. However, come October 11th, this option will be discontinued.

For those invested in $MAJOR, this marks the last opportunity to use Stars to purchase Rating Points. After the cut-off date, the method to acquire Rating Points will change, and this could potentially affect your position in the community rankings.

Why is Major Coin Discontinuing the Stars for Rating Points Option?

This decision ties into the broader vision for the future of Major Coin. With the project moving towards an official listing, the ecosystem is evolving. Removing the option to purchase Rating Points with Stars is a strategic move aimed at preparing the platform for the changes that come with being listed on major exchanges. By shifting the economy within the platform, Major Coin is setting the stage for a more structured and potentially more valuable ecosystem.

What Should You Do Before October 11th?

If you're an active participant in the Major Coin community or simply a $MAJOR token holder, October 11th is a date you cannot afford to ignore. Take this chance to stock up on Rating Points before the Stars-based option disappears. Once the option is gone, you’ll need to adapt to the new ways of earning points, and that may take more time and effort.

This could be your final opportunity to secure your spot at the top of the Major Coin rankings, so don’t miss out!

What Comes After October 11th?

While the Stars for Rating Points option will be closing, Major Coin has hinted at exciting things on the horizon. As they prepare for a listing, there could be new ways to engage with the platform and earn benefits. For now, though, the focus is on making sure the community is prepared for the transition.

Stay tuned to their official channels for further announcements as October 11th approaches, and get ready for the next chapter in Major Coin's journey.

Final Thoughts:

Major Coin’s announcement underscores their commitment to growth and development. The deadline to purchase Rating Points with Stars is a significant event for the platform’s ecosystem. Crypto enthusiasts and $MAJOR holders should take this time to prepare, ensuring they are ready for the changes coming on October 11th .




