According to PANews, the 'Growth Hacker Camp' event, co-hosted by BeWater and PANews, featured a keynote speech by BMAN, co-founder of ABCDE, on the topic of 'Top-Level Narratives in Crypto.' BMAN explored the framework for constructing foundational narratives in the crypto sector. He outlined a four-step approach for Web3 projects to establish their strategic layer: analyzing the environment to identify a unique market position, defining brand positioning to avoid strong competitors, providing reliable trust sources to enhance user trust and recognition, and integrating positioning into all aspects of internal operations.

Additionally, BMAN highlighted seven differentiation factors for Web3 projects to stand out from competitors: performance, customization, risk reduction, status, novelty, and low cost. He emphasized the importance of building a complete narrative chain through product attributes, benefits, psychological value, and values.

BMAN also stressed that transforming a narrative into a movement requires two processes: unfreezing and refreezing. During the unfreezing process, projects can evoke audience emotions (such as pride, friendship, unity, and identity pride) by finding provocative reasons and shaping common enemies, and enhance their sense of belonging through community building. In the refreezing process, projects need to shape new, sustainable behavioral habits in the audience and convey core values through narratives.

The second session of the 'BeWater Growth Hacker Camp' took place in Singapore from September 20 to September 21. Co-hosted by BeWater and PANews, the event aimed to focus on growth methods, stimulate collective wisdom, and explore the essence of marketing. It featured top projects and leading VC investors who have achieved significant growth over the past six months, engaging in ten discussions on core themes such as personal branding and influence, marketing strategies, community culture and organic growth, and Web2 user acquisition and retention.