A cross K line appeared in today's daily chart. Its upper and lower shadow lines are longer than yesterday's, and the trading volume has also increased, which shows that the competition between the long and short sides is still fierce, but the long head has a slight advantage.

MA30 line: begins to flatten, showing that the market tends to be sorted out.

MACD: At present, above the zero axis, the kinetic energy is gradually increasing. The fast line has gone down through the zero axis, and the slow line is about to go down, which may indicate further downward pressure.

The price closed below the MA30 line for three consecutive days, indicating that it may usher in an adjustment period. If there is a Yang line with an increase of more than 10%, it may break the current adjustment trend.

Support level: The MA120 line is still a key support, especially in the 2540-2650 area, which can be considered to buy boldly.

Pressure level: The daily line-level pressure level is in the 3320-3500 area, and the support level is 2650, 2540 and 2320 respectively.