According to BlockBeats, on September 14, the open-source AI platform Sentient released a white paper titled 'OML: Opening the Era of AI Entrepreneurship.' The white paper discusses the current paradigms of AI model deployment, which include open and closed models. Open models foster community-driven innovation and resist the trend of centralized AI companies controlling the world. In contrast, closed models, accessed through APIs, allow these centralized AI companies to profit directly through monetization and usage control.

Sentient introduces a new paradigm where models can be open, monetizable, and loyal (OML). This new approach to AI model deployment opens up new possibilities for open-source AI development and AI entrepreneurship. The white paper summarizes research on different methods of OML and provides detailed information on OML1.0. This version incentivizes users to report and pay for the use of publicly distributed models through data pollution attacks and collateral methods.