PancakeSwap recently launched its first prediction bot on Telegram to meet the growing demand for prediction market products. The bot allows users to predict the future price of the BNB token conveniently on their mobile devices. Interest in prediction markets has been on the rise, especially with the upcoming 2024 US presidential election, which could impact cryptocurrency regulations. Polymarket, the world's largest predictions market, has seen a significant increase in total value locked, reaching an all-time high of $123.4 million. While PancakeSwap's bot currently focuses on BNB predictions, the team plans to expand to other chains based on user feedback. The launch coincides with PancakeSwap's fourth anniversary, offering users a chance to win rewards. Telegram Mini Apps, like the prediction bot, are seen as a positive development for the crypto industry, potentially attracting mainstream users to Web3 platforms. Read more AI-generated news on: