All content submitted to the platform must follow Binance Square’s Terms of Use and Creator Content Guidelines and comply with all rules stated in this community management guidelines document and all applicable laws and regulations. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in deleted content, disabled accounts, or other restrictions.

As a general guide, prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to the following:

Level 1 Violation (Serious Violations)

Publish or disseminate content that violates laws, regulations, or related policies, or promotes radicalism, extremism, terrorism, illegal activities (including but not limited to pornography, gambling, and ), violent crimes, or contains racial discrimination, religious prejudice, political prejudice, promotes hatred and discrimination, or other offensive and disturbing information.Publishing or disseminating false statements that have not been confirmed by Binance or the relevant third party officials, involves the spreading of rumors, or deliberate smearing.Publishing or disseminating content that may cause harm to others or engaging in behavior that may cause damage to users, including but not limited to:A. Scamming and fraud, such as showing fake pictures intended to deceive others, releasing information intended to manipulate the market, promoting fraudulent projects, or recklessly or negligently publishing content that causes harm to others, etc.B. Guiding users to third-party platforms:Inviting other members to join any third-party social media platform or channel in any way (including but not limited to referral codes, referral links, watermarks, QR codes, etc.) in content, pictures, videos, streaming, nicknames, or comments, and in such manner as may cause damage to users.Adding (including but not limited to) contact information or groups of various social media platforms, such as personal Telegram, or Discord, to your profile or nickname.

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