In a surprising twist, former President Donald Trump recently reacted to Russian President Vladimir Putin's unexpected endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the upcoming U.S. elections. Putin made waves when he expressed his preference for Harris over Trump during a televised address, leaving many baffled by the statement.

Trump, caught off guard, remarked, “I’m not sure if I should be offended or if Putin’s doing me a favor. It’s a strange situation.” The former president seemed unsure of what to make of the endorsement, given his past rapport with Putin, which has often been a subject of scrutiny.

The Biden administration wasted no time in condemning Putin’s involvement. John Kirby, spokesperson for the National Security Council, firmly stated, “Putin needs to stay out of American elections. It’s up to the American people to choose their leaders, not foreign actors.”

While Trump has dismissed past accusations of Russian interference as part of a “fake political witch hunt,” the nature of this latest development has sparked new debate. Some analysts speculate that Putin’s backing of Harris could be more about stirring confusion than expressing genuine support. Putin even quipped about Harris’s distinctive laugh, calling it "infectious," adding to the sense that his endorsement might not be entirely serious.

Former Defense Intelligence Agency officer Rebekah Koffler offered her perspective, suggesting that Russia might view Harris as easier to influence compared to Trump, whose unpredictability often makes him difficult to manipulate.

The endorsement has left many questioning Putin’s true motives—whether it’s a deliberate ploy to create division or a calculated move to further complicate the political landscape in the U.S.