Cryptocurrencies have caused many investors to lose the concept of *NORMAL PROFIT*. Expectations are so high that doubling or tripling their investment no longer means anything to them.

Since BTC's lowest point in 2022, if you had resolved to double your capital and look for other opportunities, you wouldn't be complaining about the constant drops in BTC.

If you can't be happy going from $100 to $200, it simply means you can't manage your capital. Because when you go from $100 to $200, someone else is going from $100,000 to $200,000 and will likely cash out 50%. And since they're not alone, the price will almost return to the starting point, bringing your investment down to $60 if you're lucky. They'll buy back in and make profits again, while you're stuck with your $100...

Learn to be satisfied with a 2x or 3x return. Take the profits and reinvest elsewhere to double again... Repeat this process, and you'll experience less grief in this ecosystem.

Now, to be able to make these maneuvers, you need to grow. You need to educate yourself. You need to stop asking where to buy this, how to sell, how to buy...

You also need to know how to conduct fundamental and technical analysis to make the decisions that will be required of you.

Good luck with the rest of the bull run!

