#Durov was detained at the Paris airport. The media have not reported details yet, but $TON reaction to this event is already there. They say that he faces up to 20 years in prison, and all because Telegram is not under the control of special services. It is believed that criminals are actively using Telegram. It was probably inevitable. We live in interesting times, we'll see how things unfold.

As for $TON , I think it will be fine. This is not the first time that they have tried to imprison the founder of a billion-dollar crypto project. Here, for example, Binance ($BNB ) also continues to exist. It has often happened in human history that as soon as someone who is not connected to power comes forward and becomes an uncontrollable force, he comes under pressure.

In the case of Durov, I believe he was aware of this risk. His team was definitely ready for it. Now he will probably be forced to make Telegram centralized.

For the world powers, decentralization is a red flag.

Think "decentralized bitcoin" that no one is chasing, that is recognized as a commodity and a store of value. If you think that something is wrong here, you are not wrong. 😁

It was the same with #CZ when he became an uncontrollable force. In 2021, Binance effectively had a monopoly on the market, creating a user-friendly multi-functional solution for the crypto community. We already know what methods the powers of the world use in such cases.

Durov also captured significant market share thanks to Telegram. Think for yourself what kind of world we live in...