The phrase "Only invest what you're willing to lose" is often repeated, but it's a misguided approach to investing. Thinking this way sets you up for careless decisions. Instead, you should approach your investments with the mindset that losing is not an option. The primary goal in investing should be preservation, not just profit.

When you treat your investment money casually, as if it's expendable, you might take unnecessary risks—trading in high-leverage futures, diving into volatile new cryptocurrencies, or letting losses spiral out of control while missing the chance to secure profits. Imagine if the money you were investing was meant for something critical, like paying rent. Would you gamble it away on risky trades? Most likely not, unless you were being reckless. Even if you're not using that money for essential expenses, the principle remains the same—manage your investments with care and a focus on protecting your capital.

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In summary, disregard the notion of investing only what you're willing to lose. Instead, approach the market with caution and strategy, and your crypto journey will be far more successful. If you found this perspective valuable, I encourage you to like, share, and subscribe to my content. Your support is appreciated, and tips are welcome as they help me continue providing insights into the crypto market. Thank you for your continued support.

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