🚨 Warning: The Dark Side of Memecoin Trading 🚨

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💰 $60K+ Weekly Profits from Rugging 98% of Memecoins

- Phantom, an anonymous trader, reveals how he makes 400 SOL per week ($60,000-$65,000) by rugging meme coins on Pump.Fun.

🧠 “Brain-Dead Easy” Tactics

- Phantom describes the rugging process as simple and accessible to anyone with minimal capital.

- Mass Sniper Strategy: Uses tools like DogWiffTools to fake demand, luring investors into buying worthless tokens.

💥 The Rug Pull Playbook

- Launches tokens rapidly and creates the illusion of genuine interest.

- Automated buying patterns trick investors into thinking the token has real value.

- Executes a “dump all” command, crashing the token price and leaving investors with nothing.

📊 Staggering Statistics

- 98.5% of tokens launched on PumpFun are rugs.

- Out of nearly 2 million tokens, only a tiny fraction achieve lasting value.

⚠️ A Ruthless Market

Phantom highlights a brutal reality in the memecoin space: “Rug or be rugged.”

🔍 A Stark Warning

NFT Nate’s investigation uncovers the sophisticated tools and tactics making it harder to avoid these scams.

🔗 Stay Alert and Educate Yourself

- The memecoin market is rife with risks—be cautious and informed before investing!

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