As far as I can remember, I've been writing short stories at first grade, and has been writing novels and books up to this very day.

Honestly, I'm not earning much from writing but I don't really mind. I would even do it for free. 😅

As an introvert, writing is my go to language. I don't talk much in person. I don't nag and rarely complains. 😩 In silence I find peace. In writing I find happiness.

I'm a full time lawyer, thats my primary source of income. Writing and trading is just part time. Trading is a highly volatile undertaking, so never go all out. I mean don't sell your house, car, borrow huge money, and what not for capital. Only invest your spare cash.

So why do I say the KDJ is 99.99%? I'm lost for words.😩 Anyway, here's my 90 days PNL. 😆 This is all KDJ. Yup, I don't have millions in capital. I'm not rich guys😅.

FOLLOW for more.

Ohh, I'm still writing my book and will let you all know when it's done. I will negotiate with the publisher to give away free copies for everyone as always. It's really not about the money. 🙏

By the way, if you're still looking for a safe, low cap, x1000 token checkout PITBULL.