According to Odaily, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin recently shared his thoughts on the technological visions presented by the Museum of the Future in Dubai and the Miraikan in Tokyo through his personal blog. Buterin highlighted the differences in the types of technologies emphasized by each institution, particularly noting the absence of social technologies, such as governance, in Dubai's vision. He pointed out that the only clear reference to governance structures in Dubai's 2064 imagined world was a brief mention of the operators of a major Mars space station, which included the Global Space Management Authority and SpaceX. In contrast, Tokyo's Miraikan emphasizes collaborative discussions and frequently references language, culture, government, and freedom of the press within its structure. Buterin appreciated that both institutions envision a technologically advanced future with specific and positive imaginations, rather than dystopian scenarios often depicted in Hollywood's 'Black Mirror' style narratives. He concluded by stressing the need for advanced tools that are understandable and usable by a broader audience. This, he argued, would ensure that more people can work together and that the future empowers individuals rather than becoming a series of standardized interfaces controlled by a few.