👉🏻BTC has rechecked at its strong support

although last night FED has announced interest rate unchanged.

👉🏻Now ultimately market has to grow on such positive sign.but soon after whales 🐋 manipulated the market to creat a fear of dip on market and influenced the small traders to sell their assets under FOMO.

👉🏻Acc to my analysis BTC has very strong support at 62700and in same scenario $WIF has very strong support at 1.87

☘️Question is whether market will touch these strong support levels.as to my analysis NO.💹market will surge on saturday again.

👉🏻 BTC will cross 66500and WIF will cross 2.280 till saturday. and then after a minor correction surge will continue.

☘️DYOR.Follow me to stay updated.

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