In the top 10 crypto projects ranked by market cap, only 3 projects have a hard capped max supply.

$BTC - Bitcoin - 21 million.

$XRP - Ripple - 100 billion.

$ADA - Cardano - 45 billion.

I think a hard-capped supply in cryptocurrency has some clear benefits because it really leverages basic supply and demand principles, them same principles we've seen play out with Bitcoin over the last 15 years. With a very limited and predictable supply, scarcity is naturally created, which drives up the value as demand increases. This helps preserve value over time and makes it a reliable store of value. (something a global operating currency should consist of right?)

Cardano has a hard capped max supply of just 45 billion. It's only a matter of time

before basic supply and demand concepts

play out again, and investors are attracted

to an asset with inherent rarity due to fixed

supply and increased demand.


#Market_Update #BinanceTurns7