Hello Everyone if you still didn't join the network yet please do it now it's right time 💯

To participate in Athena Network, follow these steps:

👉🏻Download the App: Start by downloading the Athena Network app on your preferred platform (iOS, Android, or web).

👉🏻 Create an Account: Sign up for an account within the app. You’ll need to provide basic information and set up a wallet to receive tokens.

Use this code 👉🏻 df0e6d2f6b 👈🏻 be a part of my team also it will boost your mining speed too.

💸Mining:Athena Network uses a Proof of Activity (PoA)

consensus mechanism. You can participate by mining data. The more data you contribute, the more tokens you earn. You can mine using your device’s computational power or by participating in tasks like data labeling or sentiment analysis.

Btw you don't need to pay for anything.

#Write2Earn! #AtheneNetwork

#AthenaTokenLaunch #Dyor2024