

🛑Beware of P2P Scams on Binance‼

💥Scammers are increasingly targeting P2P transactions. Here's how it works:💥

1️⃣Initial Setup: The victim places an order and completes the fiat payment to the scammer.

2️⃣. Scammer Tactics: The scammer contacts the victim via phone or Telegram, urging them to cancel the order for a refund. Less vigilant users might comply, allowing the scammer to quickly transfer or sell all the cryptocurrency.

3️⃣. Advanced Deception: For more cautious users, scammers impersonate Binance customer support, convincing the victim to scan a Web Login QR code. This grants scammers access to the victim's account, enabling them to cancel the order and steal the cryptocurrency.

🌀Protect Yourself:🌀

- Once you’ve paid, never cancel the order.

- Verify customer service requests through Binance's official channels.

Stay vigilant and protect your assets.

#CryptoSafety #BullBanter #Binance #P2PScame #StaySafe