Optopia Unveils Tokenomics, Allocates 10% Of Total OPAI Supply To Community

Layer 2 blockchain optimized for AI applications, Optopia (OPAI), disclosed the tokenomics of its OPAI token. 

Optopia utilizes Optimism’s OP Stack and integrates Arweave for permanent data availability (DA), bolstered by technical assistance from 4EVERLAND. It is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which enables seamless migration of smart contracts and applications from Ethereum to Optopia.

The OPAI token framework fulfills multiple essential roles in governing and supporting AI applications. It serves to incentivize participants in the ecosystem, facilitate governance by allowing token holders to lock their tokens to receive Vote Lock Tokens (vlOPAI) for decision-making, distribute rewards to AI agents for completing tasks, and enhance knowledge as the token supports the development and improvement of AI capabilities by incentivizing builders for creating and refining knowledge that AI agents can utilize.

The total supply of OPAI tokens amounts to 10 billion. According to the OPAI tokenomics, Optopia plans to distribute these tokens as follows: 50% for Booster events, 25% for the ecosystem fund, 10% for the community, 5% for marketing efforts, 3.5% for private sales, 3% for initial liquidity and market-making funds, 3% for public sales, and 0.5% for the KOL round.

Therefore, 1 billion OPAI tokens have been earmarked for the community, which will be gradually unlocked over a period of 24 months. These tokens are intended to serve as incentives for the community and rewards for contributors, enhancing operational flexibility within the Optopia project.


🌟 Unleashing the Power of $OPAI! Ready to revolutionize the AI landscape with OPAI Tokens?

✨ Explore a vast universe of 10 billion OPAI tokens!

📖 Dive deep into our detailed tokenomics—your guide awaits in Optopia's documentation. Join the… pic.twitter.com/l4REU6plzf

— Optopia | AI-driven Intent-centric Layer2 (@Optopia_AI) July 10, 2024

Booster Event To Launch Optopia Fairly And Transparently, Allocating 5B OPAI Tokens To Participants  

The Booster event is designed to ensure the equitable and transparent launch of Optopia. It will unfold in several phases, distributing a total of 5 billion OPAI tokens as rewards to participants.

The initial phase of the Booster event will comprise two segments, Gas Airdrop and Community Airdrop, collectively offering rewards amounting to 10% of the total OPAI token supply. The Gas Airdrop mechanism seeks to ensure equitable access to OPAI tokens among users. It will distribute a total of 900 million tokens, with 800 million allocated to Gas Mining rewards, 85 million for Points-based rewards, and 15 million designated for Family Rewards.

Meanwhile, the Optopia community airdrop aims to fairly allocate OPAI tokens to contributors and dedicated community members. In this effort, a total of 100 million tokens will be distributed on the OP Stack blockchain, with 75 million OPAI allocated to OP Stack users and 25 million designated for 4EVERLAND Point & T4EVER Holder rewards.

Currently, Booster Event Season 1 is active, offering participants the opportunity to earn Points Reward and Family Reward without cost. Gas Mining is slated for an official launch in the near future.

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