$LUNC If he hadn't ensured that the extra mined coins, 1.9 trillion, were transferred to Binance and if he had wanted Terra to burn that amount of coins, the price would be different. But do you understand that Binance is the party that dumped the market afterwards and is still doing so? Binance sold these coins to customers instead of letting them burn. If Binance didn't do it, then Binance knows who it was. Supporting this is not right. Because all that is being done here is to provide liquidity to cushion the price of bitcoin, which is millions, through money that comes from the sale of the liquidity that Binance bought and sold to you and then bought back by dumping. What some people accuse me of, that I'm finding something and then buying it back at cheap prices, that concerns Binance. And anyone who turned a blind eye to this was blinded and is still doing so. Binance does not support market makers who manipulate the market. But it does support Terra or itself, because one of the two parties is the party that is influencing the market so much. to buy the coins back. But that wouldn't have been necessary if the coins were simply not sent to the exchange after the Terra crash#who_am_i #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #Ton_Coin_Surge #BinanceTurns7 #SOFR_Spike