According to PANews, MakerDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization within the Ethereum blockchain, has reported a record-breaking revenue in the second quarter of the year. The revenue reached approximately 85 million USD, marking a historic high for the organization.

Token Terminal data was used to reveal these figures. This significant increase in revenue indicates a growing interest and investment in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, with MakerDAO being a prominent player.

However, the report did not provide further details on the specific sources of this revenue. MakerDAO is known for its stablecoin, DAI, which is pegged to the US dollar and is often used in DeFi transactions. The organization also earns through stability fees, which are charges paid by users who borrow DAI against their crypto assets.

This news comes amidst a general surge in the DeFi sector, with more investors turning to decentralized platforms for financial services. The record-breaking revenue of MakerDAO could be a sign of the growing strength and potential of the DeFi market.