As an effort to keep Hooked Family members updated, here’s the latest development progress by July. 2nd, 2024 ✨

As we stride forward, immersed in the Web3 revolution, here’s a glimpse into our latest HOOKED 2.0 strides to empower global Web3 mastery and innovation:

#Embrace Unity and Celebrate Growing Hooked Community with Eid al-Adha

As we honor the special occasion of Eid al-Adha, we celebrate not only the spirit of sacrifice and unity but also the remarkable growth and strength of our Hooked community.

  • Embracing the Spirit of Eid al-Adha: Eid al-Adha is a time for reflection, generosity, and coming together as a community. In the spirit of this celebration, we invite our Hooked family to embrace the values of giving and innovation that drive our mission in the Web3 space.

  • Building a Decentralized Future with Prosperity: Our collective efforts in the Web3 ecosystem have paved the way for a decentralized future characterized by shared prosperity and community strength. By fostering collaboration and inclusivity, we are laying the groundwork for groundbreaking advancements that benefit everyone.

  • Unity and Innovation in Web3 of Hooked Community: The Hooked community has always been a beacon of support and innovation. As we celebrate Eid al-Adha, we reflect on our journey and the incredible milestones we’ve achieved together. From pioneering educational initiatives to forging powerful partnerships, our community’s strength lies in its unity and shared vision for a decentralized future.

As we move forward, let’s continue to embody the values of unity and innovation in our endeavors. By working together and supporting one another, we can achieve even greater heights in the Web3 space. Our commitment to innovation and community-driven growth remains unwavering, and we are excited for the future we are building together.

Embodying Unity and Innovation with Hooked Growing Community

#Celebrating Hooked Co-Educating Achievements and Future Milestones

We are thrilled to announce the successful culmination of our Hooked Alumni — Co-educating Quizathon, a collaborative effort with esteemed partners and top-performing projects in the ZkSync ecosystem!

Collaborative Success in Web3 Education

  • Pioneering Partnerships in Web3 Education: Our collaboration with industry leaders such as SecondLive, Holdstation, WOOFi, ZeroLend, and SyncSwap has been instrumental in achieving remarkable success. These partnerships have enabled us to provide cutting-edge educational content and interactive experiences, empowering thousands of learners on their journey to Web3 mastery.

  • Engaging and Future-Ready Learning Experience: We launched exclusive themed quizzes designed to captivate and educate. These collaborative initiatives engaged over 199,000 learners, providing them with a deeper understanding of Web3 concepts and igniting their passion for blockchain technology. The enthusiastic participation and high engagement levels are a testament to the success of this initiative.

  • Insightful AMAs with Direct Access to Industry Experts: To further enrich the learning experience, we facilitated insightful AMA sessions with top-tier industry experts. These sessions offered participants the unique opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge and insights from leaders in the Web3 space. The discussions covered a wide range of topics centred on the ZkSync ecosystem providing golden opportunities for global Web3 mastery.

  • Expansive Community Growth to Connect with Web3 Enthusiasts Worldwide: Expanded our community reach, connecting with Web3 enthusiasts worldwide within the trending ZkSync ecosystem.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Continued Growth and Innovation

As we celebrate these achievements, we remain committed to our mission of democratizing Web3 education and fostering perpetual growth. Our collaborative efforts have set a strong foundation for future initiatives, and we are excited to continue this journey with our partners and community members.

Celebrating Hooked Co-educating Quizathon Collaborative Achievements

#Empowering Future Tech Leaders: Hooked Unitour in India and Taiwan Recap

Hooked 2.0 India UniTour at Sister Nivedita University

The Hooked 2.0 India UniTour at Sister Nivedita University (SNU) was a resounding success. SNU, renowned for its emphasis on innovation, is shaping the future of tech leaders, empowered by our transformative Unitour.

  • Keynotes and Panel Discussions: We hosted thought-provoking sessions on Web3 and blockchain technology, offering deep insights into the future of the industry.

  • Networking Opportunities: Participants engaged in meaningful exchanges, connecting with peers and experts to discuss the latest trends and projects in Web3.

  • Innovative Project Showcases: Attendees had the chance to explore groundbreaking projects, showcasing the innovative spirit driving the Web3 revolution in India.

  • Nurturing the Leaders of Tomorrow: By nurturing the next generation of tech leaders, our India UniTour is at the forefront of India’s Web3 revolution.

    Hooked 2.0 India UniTour at Sister Nivedita University

    Hooked 2.0 Unitour Recap in Taiwan

    Our Hooked 2.0 Unitour in Taiwan was energized by the country’s innovative spirit and immense potential for Web3 education!

    • Collaborations with Top-Ranked Universities: We partnered with over four top-ranked universities and influential blockchain clubs, empowering the next generation through customized Web3 mastery journeys.

    • Innovative Educational Initiatives: Online Web3 Quiz Campaign: Launched engaging online campaigns in collaboration with Taiwan’s leading universities, reaching over 152,000 participants.

    • Offline Campaigns: Hosted dynamic offline events that brought together students and blockchain enthusiasts, fostering a vibrant learning environment.

    • Empowering Blockchain Innovators: Our efforts are focused on fostering competition and innovation at top universities, cultivating the next generation of Web3 leaders for mutual growth. Together, we are shaping a future where Web3 mastery and innovation thrive.

      Hooked 2.0 Unitour Recap in Taiwan

    Building the Future Together

    Our UniTours in India and Taiwan have been instrumental in driving forward our mission of global Web3 mastery. By connecting with global universities and blockchain communities, we are building a decentralized future characterized by shared prosperity and community strength. Thank you to all who have supported and participated in these transformative events!

    #HookedProtocol #Hook $HOOK