I see a lot of fear... which is normal. It's not pleasant to see your portfolio balance going down by 30% in 3 months (for those trading in Spot) or being liquidated in a few hours (for those trading in Futures).

But having started to invest in crypto back in 2016, there are a couple things that I've learned:

1. When the market goes down, you do NOT touch your portfolio. You HOLD to it. Or you will regret it later once the market goes up again. Remember: In Spot Trading, you only lose from the moment you sell at a loss.

2. Do not take very seriously many "experts" opinions and don't let them influence your decisions.Nobody can predict when the market goes up or down, only speculate. One thing I'm sure of, it won't go down forever!

In conclusion, it's exclusively up to you to hold your portfolio. Be patient, control your emotions. Not everyone will win, many will lose. But the strong minded have a higher chance of success, I believe!

And by the way, get used to taking profits when the market is up. That money will be useful in moments like this.