PENDLE is trading at $3.96, showing a significant 16.1% drop since yesterday. Its value has decreased by 28.4% from last week. The trading volume in the past day reached $203,637,061. With an RSI of 19, it indicates extreme overselling. PENDLE’s Total Value Locked (TVL) has fallen sharply from $6.2 billion to $3.7 billion within a week, a decline of over 40%. This downturn is part of a broader market trend where cryptocurrencies are facing strong sell-off pressures. The drop in TVL coincides with the maturation of several liquid staking markets in PENDLE’s DeFi ecosystem, affecting markets like Ether. Fi, Renzo, Puffer, and Swell. PENDLE’s price has been on a downward trajectory in recent weeks.
#PENDLE #not #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #LayerZero