🚀Nigerian crypto trader, Femi Akinola, returned 90 SOL tokens (worth $14,000) that were accidentally sent to him. His honesty earned him 35 SOL in gifts and a standing ovation from the crypto community. 🎉

RAF, the sender, meant to send $100 in SOL but mistakenly sent 100 SOL. Femi, being a good sport, returned the excess 90 SOL.

Femi's actions may have just given Nigeria's crypto image a much-needed boost, proving that integrity still exists in the crypto world. He plans to use his new fame to educate others about crypto.

What's your take on this? Would you have returned the SOL? Let's chat in the comments! 💬

Remember, folks, avoid pump-and-dump schemes. They only harm the trust in our community. Let's keep crypto clean! 🧹🌐