MUST READ 👇👀 TOP 5 reasons to buy LISTA

1. Low market value: The current market value of LISTA is very low, which means there are few holders. As more people discover its potential, the value is likely to increase.

2. LISTA Staking: Holding LISTA tokens offers various benefits, including governance voting rights, rewards for borrowing lisUSD or farming liquidity, and fee sharing.

3. Indirect link to BNB: LISTA is connected to BNB through its staking site, which offers advantages and is supported by BNB. This link may lead to significant value growth in the future.

4. DEFI support: As a DEFI currency, LISTA deserves strong support. Binance and DEFI's backing make it a promising investment.

5. Megadrop listing: LISTA's listing through Megadrop, a new system with $650m liquidity, suggests potential for significant growth (3x or 5x). Its connection to BNB and storage method also strengthen its prospects. Analyzing the price, it may target $1 to $1.5, making it a good buy.

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