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💥 Price Waves Reveal Pivotal $AVAX Support At $31 In line with the general crypto market, Avalanche (AVAX) has experienced significant market correction over the past two weeks following an extended price rally. With the altcoin’s price now hovering around the $36 price zone, recent market predictions have highlighted a critical market condition needed to avoid a complete collapse of AVAX’s bullish structure. 🔸 AVAX Bulls Must Defend $35.30 For Total Price Recovery On December 27, digital asset analysis platform More Crypto Online shared an insightful commentary on the AVAX market via the X platform. With the aid of the Elliott Wave Theory, the market experts forecasted a yellow scenario which is typically a bullish projection. For context, the yellow scenario indicates an asset is in a corrective phase specifically within the B-wave of an A-B-C correction i.e a three-wave pattern that occurs during a price correction of which B is usually an upward movement that aligns with the ongoing market trend before transitioning to a final downward C-wave. A yellow scenario suggests the B-wave is still forming and could push higher, provided an asset’s price holds above certain levels. In terms of the AVAX market, analysts at More Crypto Online state the asset price must remain above $31.69 to keep the yellow scenario valid. However, to strengthen the case of this yellow scenario, market bulls must ensure AVAX’s price does not break below $35.3 as a dissent below this price region could potentiate a further decline to $31.69. The analyst warns that any price fall below this lower threshold would invalidate the yellow scenario resulting in a downward C-wave. 🔸 #AVAX Price Overview At the time of writing, AVAX trades at $36.74 following a decline of 2.12% in the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, the altcoin’s daily trading volume is down by 6.40% and valued at $448.45 million. On larger time charts, AVAX is in greater losses of 11.65% in 7 days and 14.81% in 30 days, demonstrating a consistent decline in recent weeks. #Avalanche {spot}(AVAXUSDT)
💥 Price Waves Reveal Pivotal $AVAX Support At $31

In line with the general crypto market, Avalanche (AVAX) has experienced significant market correction over the past two weeks following an extended price rally. With the altcoin’s price now hovering around the $36 price zone, recent market predictions have highlighted a critical market condition needed to avoid a complete collapse of AVAX’s bullish structure.

🔸 AVAX Bulls Must Defend $35.30 For Total Price Recovery

On December 27, digital asset analysis platform More Crypto Online shared an insightful commentary on the AVAX market via the X platform. With the aid of the Elliott Wave Theory, the market experts forecasted a yellow scenario which is typically a bullish projection.

For context, the yellow scenario indicates an asset is in a corrective phase specifically within the B-wave of an A-B-C correction i.e a three-wave pattern that occurs during a price correction of which B is usually an upward movement that aligns with the ongoing market trend before transitioning to a final downward C-wave.

A yellow scenario suggests the B-wave is still forming and could push higher, provided an asset’s price holds above certain levels. In terms of the AVAX market, analysts at More Crypto Online state the asset price must remain above $31.69 to keep the yellow scenario valid.

However, to strengthen the case of this yellow scenario, market bulls must ensure AVAX’s price does not break below $35.3 as a dissent below this price region could potentiate a further decline to $31.69. The analyst warns that any price fall below this lower threshold would invalidate the yellow scenario resulting in a downward C-wave.

🔸 #AVAX Price Overview

At the time of writing, AVAX trades at $36.74 following a decline of 2.12% in the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, the altcoin’s daily trading volume is down by 6.40% and valued at $448.45 million. On larger time charts, AVAX is in greater losses of 11.65% in 7 days and 14.81% in 30 days, demonstrating a consistent decline in recent weeks.

本周在 Web3 和 NFT 中(84)欢迎阅读 OpenSea 文摘,让我们回顾一下本周最大的 NFT 和 web3 新闻。 Azuki 邀请冯德伦指导创意故事讲述 Azuki 本周宣布香港演员兼电影制作人冯德伦成为其新的创意合作伙伴,冯德伦以《太极英雄》和《荒原》的创作而闻名,他将帮助塑造 Azuki 受动漫启发的 NFT 宇宙的叙事和视觉方向。 Gunzilla Games 与 Delphi Ventures 合作,共谋游戏未来 射击游戏 Off The Grid 背后的制作公司 Gunzilla Games 已与 Delphi Ventures 合作,支持新成立的 GUNZ 基金会,据报道,该基金会将监督即将推出的主网和代币的推出。  GUNZ 主网建立在开源第一层(L1)Avalanche 上,旨在支持可互操作的游戏内数字物品的使用,这意味着玩家可以拥有自己的虚拟形象的皮肤和装备,并在生态系统中的多个游戏中买卖它们,这一最新进展标志着支持可持续游戏经济迈出的重要一步。  Treasure DAO 推出由 ZKsync 提供支持的以太坊第二层 Web3 游戏平台 Treasure 正在 ZKsync 的 Elastic Network 上构建自己的游戏第二层(L2),目标是提高游戏可扩展性,并为其不断扩展的 15 多个游戏生态系统打造家园,第一季度将推出更多游戏。  此前,Treasure 在 Arbitrum 区块链上开发了其游戏,Treasure DAO 在一条推文中写道,其转向 Elastic Network 的决定代表着“加密历史上最大的生态系统迁移之一”。  Mocaverse 宣布推出 Moca 3.0,为互操作性奠定基础 Web3 创业工作室 Animoca Brands 正式推出了 Moca 3.0,这是一个旨在扩展 web3 现实世界应用的数字身份框架,该平台提供的功能包括去中心化金融(DeFi)贷款的链上信用评分、定向广告的验证用户数据以及跨多个区块链的互操作性。 在 Animoca 超过 540 家合作伙伴公司的网络支持下,Mocaverse 旨在简化借贷和忠诚度奖励等身份使用案例,同时推进去中心化凭证的概念。  Avalanche 基金会宣布迄今为止最大的网络升级 Avalanche 基金会发布了最新更新 Avalanche 9000,称这是该协议迄今为止最重要的升级,这些变化旨在降低部署应用程序的成本和交易费用,从而使开发人员能够更轻松、更便宜地构建和扩展应用程序。  此次更新还引入了跨链消息传递(ICM)功能,该功能允许不同的区块链进行通信和协同工作,Avalanche 表示,这些改进旨在通过使网络更实惠、更通用来吸引开发人员和用户。 Neon Machine 任命 Ken Rosman 为新任首席执行官 Neon Machine 是基于区块链的第一人称射击游戏 Shrapnel 的开发工作室,任命游戏资深人士 Ken Rosman 为其新任首席执行官。  Rosman 曾任 Riot Games 和 Activision Blizzard 高管,他将在 Shrapnel 的发布准备期间领导团队,他的任命将为该项目带来重大的游戏行业影响,这与 Neon Machine 为主流观众重新定义 web3 游戏的目标一致。 Tribute Brand 收购 DRAUP,推出游戏化虚拟时尚平台 领先的数字时尚公司 Tribute Brand 收购了数字时尚公司 DRAUP,打造了下一代虚拟可穿戴设备平台 Fashion.Fun。  DRAUP 以其社区驱动的艺术和科技时装而闻名,与 Tribute 在虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)领域的未来时尚愿景相得益彰,这两个品牌携手将虚拟时尚提升到主流,同时激发了其强大的 web3 原生支持者社区。 #Azuki #Gunzilla #Mocaverse #Avalanche 你关心的 OpenSea 内容 探索 | 收集 | 销售 | 购买 收藏关注 OpenSea 币安频道 掌握最新资讯

本周在 Web3 和 NFT 中(84)

欢迎阅读 OpenSea 文摘,让我们回顾一下本周最大的 NFT 和 web3 新闻。
Azuki 邀请冯德伦指导创意故事讲述
Azuki 本周宣布香港演员兼电影制作人冯德伦成为其新的创意合作伙伴,冯德伦以《太极英雄》和《荒原》的创作而闻名,他将帮助塑造 Azuki 受动漫启发的 NFT 宇宙的叙事和视觉方向。

Gunzilla Games 与 Delphi Ventures 合作,共谋游戏未来
射击游戏 Off The Grid 背后的制作公司 Gunzilla Games 已与 Delphi Ventures 合作,支持新成立的 GUNZ 基金会,据报道,该基金会将监督即将推出的主网和代币的推出。 
GUNZ 主网建立在开源第一层(L1)Avalanche 上,旨在支持可互操作的游戏内数字物品的使用,这意味着玩家可以拥有自己的虚拟形象的皮肤和装备,并在生态系统中的多个游戏中买卖它们,这一最新进展标志着支持可持续游戏经济迈出的重要一步。 
Treasure DAO 推出由 ZKsync 提供支持的以太坊第二层
Web3 游戏平台 Treasure 正在 ZKsync 的 Elastic Network 上构建自己的游戏第二层(L2),目标是提高游戏可扩展性,并为其不断扩展的 15 多个游戏生态系统打造家园,第一季度将推出更多游戏。 
此前,Treasure 在 Arbitrum 区块链上开发了其游戏,Treasure DAO 在一条推文中写道,其转向 Elastic Network 的决定代表着“加密历史上最大的生态系统迁移之一”。 

Mocaverse 宣布推出 Moca 3.0,为互操作性奠定基础
Web3 创业工作室 Animoca Brands 正式推出了 Moca 3.0,这是一个旨在扩展 web3 现实世界应用的数字身份框架,该平台提供的功能包括去中心化金融(DeFi)贷款的链上信用评分、定向广告的验证用户数据以及跨多个区块链的互操作性。
在 Animoca 超过 540 家合作伙伴公司的网络支持下,Mocaverse 旨在简化借贷和忠诚度奖励等身份使用案例,同时推进去中心化凭证的概念。 

Avalanche 基金会宣布迄今为止最大的网络升级
Avalanche 基金会发布了最新更新 Avalanche 9000,称这是该协议迄今为止最重要的升级,这些变化旨在降低部署应用程序的成本和交易费用,从而使开发人员能够更轻松、更便宜地构建和扩展应用程序。 
此次更新还引入了跨链消息传递(ICM)功能,该功能允许不同的区块链进行通信和协同工作,Avalanche 表示,这些改进旨在通过使网络更实惠、更通用来吸引开发人员和用户。

Neon Machine 任命 Ken Rosman 为新任首席执行官
Neon Machine 是基于区块链的第一人称射击游戏 Shrapnel 的开发工作室,任命游戏资深人士 Ken Rosman 为其新任首席执行官。 
Rosman 曾任 Riot Games 和 Activision Blizzard 高管,他将在 Shrapnel 的发布准备期间领导团队,他的任命将为该项目带来重大的游戏行业影响,这与 Neon Machine 为主流观众重新定义 web3 游戏的目标一致。

Tribute Brand 收购 DRAUP,推出游戏化虚拟时尚平台
领先的数字时尚公司 Tribute Brand 收购了数字时尚公司 DRAUP,打造了下一代虚拟可穿戴设备平台 Fashion.Fun。 
DRAUP 以其社区驱动的艺术和科技时装而闻名,与 Tribute 在虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)领域的未来时尚愿景相得益彰,这两个品牌携手将虚拟时尚提升到主流,同时激发了其强大的 web3 原生支持者社区。

#Azuki #Gunzilla #Mocaverse #Avalanche

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🌟 Major Token Unlocks Across Blockchain Projects – Market Insights & Predictions 🌟 🔹 Solana (SOL) Unlock Volume: 490,740 tokens valued at $88.20M. Supply Impact: Represents only 0.10% of SOL’s total supply, minimizing potential market disruption. Prediction: SOL is expected to remain stable, ranging between $18 - $22 in the short term, with potential upward momentum if buying interest sustains. 🔹 TIA Protocol (TIA) Unlock Volume: 6.99M tokens, worth $35.99M. Prediction: TIA may experience mild sell pressure, stabilizing between $4.80 - $5.50 after market absorption. 🔹 Dogecoin (DOGE) Unlock Volume: 94.47M tokens, valued at $29.37M. Prediction: DOGE could face temporary dips near $0.075, with recovery likely toward $0.085 - $0.09 as sentiment improves. --- 📈 Other Linear Unlocks in Progress Avalanche (AVAX): 700,000 tokens, $25.45M. Prediction: AVAX may trade between $10 - $12, reflecting its resilience to market shifts. Polkadot (DOT): 2.81M tokens, $19.18M. Prediction: DOT could fluctuate near $4.50 - $5, with gradual recovery. NEAR Protocol (NEAR): 2.97M tokens, $14.98M. Prediction: NEAR might hover around $1.45 - $1.70 in the near term. --- 💡 Key Takeaway These unlocks introduce new liquidity, offering both risks and opportunities. Smaller unlocks, like SOL, may have minimal impact, while larger releases, such as TIA and DOGE, could lead to temporary volatility followed by stabilization. ✨ Market Strategy Short-Term Traders: Leverage price swings during initial unlock periods. Long-Term Investors: Monitor stabilization phases to accumulate at attractive levels. #Solana #Dogecoin #avalanche #CryptoPredictions #tokenunlocks
🌟 Major Token Unlocks Across Blockchain Projects – Market Insights & Predictions 🌟

🔹 Solana (SOL)

Unlock Volume: 490,740 tokens valued at $88.20M.

Supply Impact: Represents only 0.10% of SOL’s total supply, minimizing potential market disruption.

Prediction: SOL is expected to remain stable, ranging between $18 - $22 in the short term, with potential upward momentum if buying interest sustains.

🔹 TIA Protocol (TIA)

Unlock Volume: 6.99M tokens, worth $35.99M.

Prediction: TIA may experience mild sell pressure, stabilizing between $4.80 - $5.50 after market absorption.

🔹 Dogecoin (DOGE)

Unlock Volume: 94.47M tokens, valued at $29.37M.

Prediction: DOGE could face temporary dips near $0.075, with recovery likely toward $0.085 - $0.09 as sentiment improves.


📈 Other Linear Unlocks in Progress

Avalanche (AVAX): 700,000 tokens, $25.45M.

Prediction: AVAX may trade between $10 - $12, reflecting its resilience to market shifts.

Polkadot (DOT): 2.81M tokens, $19.18M.

Prediction: DOT could fluctuate near $4.50 - $5, with gradual recovery.

NEAR Protocol (NEAR): 2.97M tokens, $14.98M.

Prediction: NEAR might hover around $1.45 - $1.70 in the near term.


💡 Key Takeaway
These unlocks introduce new liquidity, offering both risks and opportunities. Smaller unlocks, like SOL, may have minimal impact, while larger releases, such as TIA and DOGE, could lead to temporary volatility followed by stabilization.

✨ Market Strategy

Short-Term Traders: Leverage price swings during initial unlock periods.

Long-Term Investors: Monitor stabilization phases to accumulate at attractive levels.

#Solana #Dogecoin #avalanche #CryptoPredictions #tokenunlocks
#Hyperliquid $HYPE is doing almost $1m in 24h fees. #Cardano $ADA is doing $5k. #Avalanche $AVAX is doing $14k. This is clear indication that HYPE has what it takes to be in the top 10.. The CandyBomb event on Bitget and BGB holders community event provide good opportunity to amass HYPE.
#Hyperliquid $HYPE is doing almost $1m in 24h fees. #Cardano $ADA is doing $5k. #Avalanche $AVAX is doing $14k. This is clear indication that HYPE has what it takes to be in the top 10.. The CandyBomb event on Bitget and BGB holders community event provide good opportunity to amass HYPE.
🌟 Avalanche (AVA) Market Update 🌟 Current Price: $1.3834 $AVA {spot}(AVAUSDT) Resistance Levels: ➡️ $1.400 | $1.500 Support Levels: ✅ $1.350 | $1.250 Breakout Price: $1.420 Stop-Loss: $1.350 🪙 Bitcoin Market Influence: With Bitcoin priced at $95,806.36, a sustained upward trend could boost AVA towards its resistance levels. However, a BTC pullback below $90,000 might drag AVA down to retest its support levels. #Avax #Avalanche #CryptoAnalysis #BitcoinInfluence
🌟 Avalanche (AVA) Market Update 🌟

Current Price: $1.3834


Resistance Levels:
➡️ $1.400 | $1.500

Support Levels:
✅ $1.350 | $1.250

Breakout Price: $1.420
Stop-Loss: $1.350

🪙 Bitcoin Market Influence: With Bitcoin priced at $95,806.36, a sustained upward trend could boost AVA towards its resistance levels. However, a BTC pullback below $90,000 might drag AVA down to retest its support levels.

#Avax #Avalanche #CryptoAnalysis #BitcoinInfluence
Жоғары (өспелі)
🚀 Crypto Weekly Recap - U.S. #Bitcoin  ETFs hit a milestone, amassing over 500,000 BTC, with net inflows of $50.5 billion in just a year! 📈 - #MicroStrategy  's BTC holdings soar as they acquire 21,550 BTC for $2.1 billion, joining the Nasdaq-100 index this December. - #Avalanche  $AVAX  secures $250 million to fuel its "Avalanche9000" upgrade, aiming to cut transaction costs. - #Ripple  's $RLUSD stablecoin gets the green light in NY, eyeing the $200 billion liquidity market Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬
🚀 Crypto Weekly Recap

- U.S. #Bitcoin  ETFs hit a milestone, amassing over 500,000 BTC, with net inflows of $50.5 billion in just a year! 📈

#MicroStrategy  's BTC holdings soar as they acquire 21,550 BTC for $2.1 billion, joining the Nasdaq-100 index this December.

#Avalanche  $AVAX  secures $250 million to fuel its "Avalanche9000" upgrade, aiming to cut transaction costs.

#Ripple  's $RLUSD stablecoin gets the green light in NY, eyeing the $200 billion liquidity market

Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬
The post Understanding the Benefits of Liquid Stacking appeared first on Ecoinimist.Understanding the Benefits of Liquid Stacking - Ecoinimist Liquid Stacking can help diversify your #cryptocurrency portfolio. Derivative tokens allow you to invest in a wider range of #DeFi projects, thereby spreading your risk across different assets and platforms. This diversification leads to a more balanced portfolio and reduces the impact of negative performance of a single investment. Read also: Betting or mining: which is better. Furthermore, participating in different DeFi can expose your portfolio to different levels of risk and potential returns, further stabilizing your investment performance. In short, liquid betting allows you to build a more stable investment strategy that can withstand market fluctuations. One of the features of liquid betting is its seamless integration with the DeFi platform. Many DeFi protocols recognize and accept derivative tokens, allowing stacked assets to be used as collateral or to participate in other financial services. This integration opens up a world of opportunity for crypto investors looking to maximize returns. The ability to easily interact with the DeFi platform means that your stackable assets are not just sleeping, but actively participating in your asset-building strategy. It means that your reserve fund assets are not just sleeping, but actively participating in your asset-building strategy. This relationship between Stakes and DeFi represents a new frontier in cryptocurrency investing, where the boundaries of the traditional financial system are constantly being pushed. #Avalanche (AVAX) is a blockchain platform known for its high processing power and low transaction fees. Its technological advancements and robust ecosystem are quickly gaining popularity among developers and investors Liquid Bet on #AVAX offers unique benefits, making it an attractive option for those who own AVAX tokens Read us at: [Compass Investments]( #CryptoNews

The post Understanding the Benefits of Liquid Stacking appeared first on Ecoinimist.

Understanding the Benefits of Liquid Stacking - Ecoinimist

Liquid Stacking can help diversify your #cryptocurrency portfolio. Derivative tokens allow you to invest in a wider range of #DeFi projects, thereby spreading your risk across different assets and platforms. This diversification leads to a more balanced portfolio and reduces the impact of negative performance of a single investment.
Read also: Betting or mining: which is better.
Furthermore, participating in different DeFi can expose your portfolio to different levels of risk and potential returns, further stabilizing your investment performance. In short, liquid betting allows you to build a more stable investment strategy that can withstand market fluctuations.
One of the features of liquid betting is its seamless integration with the DeFi platform. Many DeFi protocols recognize and accept derivative tokens, allowing stacked assets to be used as collateral or to participate in other financial services. This integration opens up a world of opportunity for crypto investors looking to maximize returns.
The ability to easily interact with the DeFi platform means that your stackable assets are not just sleeping, but actively participating in your asset-building strategy. It means that your reserve fund assets are not just sleeping, but actively participating in your asset-building strategy. This relationship between Stakes and DeFi represents a new frontier in cryptocurrency investing, where the boundaries of the traditional financial system are constantly being pushed.
#Avalanche (AVAX) is a blockchain platform known for its high processing power and low transaction fees. Its technological advancements and robust ecosystem are quickly gaining popularity among developers and investors Liquid Bet on #AVAX offers unique benefits, making it an attractive option for those who own AVAX tokens

Read us at: Compass Investments
🚀Beyond Ripple (XRP): 3 Tokens Poised for Explosive Growth by 2025As the altcoin market evolves, Rexas Finance (RXS), Avalanche (AVAX), and Tron (TRX) are emerging as potential game-changers, offering substantial growth opportunities. Here's a quick breakdown of each: 1️⃣ Rexas Finance (RXS): Revolutionizing Asset Tokenization Presale Success: Raised $28M by selling 348M tokens. Tokenomics: Strategic distribution fueling scalability. Innovations: AI-powered NFT marketing, decentralized launchpad, and token builder tools. Future Price: From $0.15 to $0.20 in 2025, with massive upside potential. 2️⃣ Avalanche (AVAX): DeFi & NFT Leader Current Price: $52.58. Key Strengths: Low fees, high-speed transactions, and scalability for DeFi and NFTs. Growth Drivers: Expanding partnerships and developer adoption. 3️⃣ Tron (TRX): Blockchain for Content Creators Current Price: $0.2916. Advantages: Cost-efficient, high-speed transactions, tailored for creators and developers. Adoption: Rapidly growing ecosystem with user-focused innovation. 🌟 Final Word While XRP continues to lead, Rexas Finance (RXS), Avalanche (AVAX), and Tron (TRX) are primed to disrupt the market with innovative ecosystems and transformative growth potential. Don't miss the chance to explore these emerging altcoins! #RexasFinance #Avalanche #Tron #AltcoinGrowth

🚀Beyond Ripple (XRP): 3 Tokens Poised for Explosive Growth by 2025

As the altcoin market evolves, Rexas Finance (RXS), Avalanche (AVAX), and Tron (TRX) are emerging as potential game-changers, offering substantial growth opportunities. Here's a quick breakdown of each:
1️⃣ Rexas Finance (RXS): Revolutionizing Asset Tokenization
Presale Success: Raised $28M by selling 348M tokens.
Tokenomics: Strategic distribution fueling scalability.
Innovations: AI-powered NFT marketing, decentralized launchpad, and token builder tools.
Future Price: From $0.15 to $0.20 in 2025, with massive upside potential.

2️⃣ Avalanche (AVAX): DeFi & NFT Leader
Current Price: $52.58.
Key Strengths: Low fees, high-speed transactions, and scalability for DeFi and NFTs.
Growth Drivers: Expanding partnerships and developer adoption.

3️⃣ Tron (TRX): Blockchain for Content Creators
Current Price: $0.2916.
Advantages: Cost-efficient, high-speed transactions, tailored for creators and developers.
Adoption: Rapidly growing ecosystem with user-focused innovation.

🌟 Final Word
While XRP continues to lead, Rexas Finance (RXS), Avalanche (AVAX), and Tron (TRX) are primed to disrupt the market with innovative ecosystems and transformative growth potential. Don't miss the chance to explore these emerging altcoins!
#RexasFinance #Avalanche #Tron #AltcoinGrowth
Жоғары (өспелі)
$AVAX {spot}(AVAXUSDT) Avalanche 基金会在近期宣布了将进行名为 RETRODROP 的活动,并表示将为对 Retro9000 投票的人准备圣诞惊喜。这个活动与 Avalanche 之前宣布的 Retro9000 资助计划相呼应,该计划拟推出总额达 4000 万美元,旨在奖励在 Avalanche9000 上进行构建的开发者。Retro9000 计划是 Avalanche9000 大规模升级的一部分,旨在激励开发者在 Avalanche9000 测试网上构建 L1 区块链和其他工具。通过这个计划,Avalanche 基金会旨在引导 L1 生态系统的发展,并为早期开发者提供构建产品的激励。项目将通过公共排行榜和社区投票进行评估。因此,Avalanche 基金会的 RETRODROP 活动和圣诞惊喜可以被视为对参与 Retro9000 计划的开发者的一种额外激励和感谢。 #avax #avalanche
Avalanche 基金会在近期宣布了将进行名为 RETRODROP 的活动,并表示将为对 Retro9000 投票的人准备圣诞惊喜。这个活动与 Avalanche 之前宣布的 Retro9000 资助计划相呼应,该计划拟推出总额达 4000 万美元,旨在奖励在 Avalanche9000 上进行构建的开发者。Retro9000 计划是 Avalanche9000 大规模升级的一部分,旨在激励开发者在 Avalanche9000 测试网上构建 L1 区块链和其他工具。通过这个计划,Avalanche 基金会旨在引导 L1 生态系统的发展,并为早期开发者提供构建产品的激励。项目将通过公共排行榜和社区投票进行评估。因此,Avalanche 基金会的 RETRODROP 活动和圣诞惊喜可以被视为对参与 Retro9000 计划的开发者的一种额外激励和感谢。

#avax #avalanche
Midday News Update #Web3 📉 FalconX: Rate cut expectations unlikely to have long-term impact on #Bitcoin❗ as macro influence wanes. 🔗 Avalanche founder: Meme tokens on #avalanche can be staked and used as gas tokens. 📈 Memecoin boom drives #Solana DApp revenue to a record $365M in November, led by 💰 $FARTCOIN surpasses $AI16Z in market cap, rising 15.5% in 24H to lead the AI meme sector. 🌐 Hyperliquid testnet launches HYPE staking interface with validator statistics and APR insights.
Midday News Update #Web3

📉 FalconX: Rate cut expectations unlikely to have long-term impact on #Bitcoin❗ as macro influence wanes.

🔗 Avalanche founder: Meme tokens on #avalanche can be staked and used as gas tokens.

📈 Memecoin boom drives #Solana DApp revenue to a record $365M in November, led by

💰 $FARTCOIN surpasses $AI16Z in market cap, rising 15.5% in 24H to lead the AI meme sector.

🌐 Hyperliquid testnet launches HYPE staking interface with validator statistics and APR insights.
💥 Avalanche Lanza Avalanche9000: Reducción de Costos y Simplificación de Subredes 🚀 Avalanche ha anunciado el lanzamiento de Avalanche9000, su actualización más importante hasta la fecha. Esta actualización simplifica el lanzamiento de subredes y reduce los costos de ejecución de contratos inteligentes. Con ACP-77 y ACP-125, se modifican los roles de los validadores y se reducen las tarifas base en la 'C-Chain'. Avalanche9000 ha reducido el costo de implementación de Layer1 en un 99,9%, prometiendo un crecimiento explosivo en los próximos meses. #Avalanche #Avalanche9000 #Blockchain 🌟💻🔒 $AVAX
💥 Avalanche Lanza Avalanche9000: Reducción de Costos y Simplificación de Subredes 🚀

Avalanche ha anunciado el lanzamiento de Avalanche9000, su actualización más importante hasta la fecha. Esta actualización simplifica el lanzamiento de subredes y reduce los costos de ejecución de contratos inteligentes. Con ACP-77 y ACP-125, se modifican los roles de los validadores y se reducen las tarifas base en la 'C-Chain'. Avalanche9000 ha reducido el costo de implementación de Layer1 en un 99,9%, prometiendo un crecimiento explosivo en los próximos meses.

#Avalanche #Avalanche9000 #Blockchain 🌟💻🔒
Dogecoin Creator Lists Top 5 CryptocurrenciesToken meme creator Dogecoin (DOGE) Billy Marcus, aka Shibetoshi Nakamoto, was list of top 5 cryptocurrencies. According to Marcus, the top 5 digital assets include: Dogecoin;Bitcoin;Avalanche (AVAX);Efirium;Solana (SUN). Billy put his brainchild at the top of the rankings Dogecoin for obvious reasons. Bitcoin came in second place because he is the father of cryptocurrencies, and эфириум и Solana made it into the top 5, as they allowed Marcus to make some good money on trading NFT and shitcoins. The founder of the project Dogecoin turned his attention to Avalanche due to the impressive bullish rally in the cryptocurrency market, as a result of which the coin's price up by 81% over the past six months. Markus likes this digital asset because its creators are trying to solve existing problems and thus make the AVAX blockchain useful. The Avalanche network's main value is that it is a foundation for developing custom blockchains and decentralized applications. This makes AVAX competitive with Ethereum, but it is more than 24 times smaller than ETH in terms of capitalization. However, the chatbot Chat GPT believes in the high potential of Avalanche and advises invest 5% of your capital in this coin. It is noteworthy that Dogecoin there was no room in the virtual assistant's dream crypto investment portfolio. #Avalanche #Dogecoinnews Expert Insights, Price Analysis, and the Latest News on Happy Coin News.

Dogecoin Creator Lists Top 5 Cryptocurrencies

Token meme creator Dogecoin (DOGE) Billy Marcus, aka Shibetoshi Nakamoto, was list of top 5 cryptocurrencies.
According to Marcus, the top 5 digital assets include:
Dogecoin;Bitcoin;Avalanche (AVAX);Efirium;Solana (SUN).
Billy put his brainchild at the top of the rankings Dogecoin for obvious reasons. Bitcoin came in second place because he is the father of cryptocurrencies, and эфириум и Solana made it into the top 5, as they allowed Marcus to make some good money on trading NFT and shitcoins.
The founder of the project Dogecoin turned his attention to Avalanche due to the impressive bullish rally in the cryptocurrency market, as a result of which the coin's price up by 81% over the past six months. Markus likes this digital asset because its creators are trying to solve existing problems and thus make the AVAX blockchain useful.

The Avalanche network's main value is that it is a foundation for developing custom blockchains and decentralized applications. This makes AVAX competitive with Ethereum, but it is more than 24 times smaller than ETH in terms of capitalization. However, the chatbot Chat GPT believes in the high potential of Avalanche and advises invest 5% of your capital in this coin. It is noteworthy that Dogecoin there was no room in the virtual assistant's dream crypto investment portfolio.

#Avalanche #Dogecoinnews
Expert Insights, Price Analysis, and the Latest News on Happy Coin News.
Төмен (кемімелі)
$AVAX at a Crossroads: Navigating the Bearish Hints on the 1-Hour Chart Taking a look at the 1-hour chart for $AVAX, currently sitting at $36, the picture isn't particularly rosy. We're seeing a pattern of lower highs, which suggests a lack of bullish momentum to break above the descending trendline. This trendline is acting like a ceiling, capping any upward moves and hinting at a bearish outlook in the short term. Despite the recent bounce from the $35 support level, #AVAX/USDT needs to maintain this ground and consolidate to flip the sentiment. The immediate challenge for $AVAX is to establish a strong support zone around the current levels to prevent a slip towards the monthly lows at $32. The resilience of holding its value in the face of a $382M standing is a subtle yet notable signal of underlying strength in the asset. If buyers step up to defend this region, we could start to see a shift in momentum. For traders eyeing #avalanche the key is to watch for signs of consolidation and a potential bullish reversal pattern, like higher lows forming. If this support holds, it could be the foundation for a recovery back up the chart. But if it fails, brace for a possible retest of lower supports. Remember, in trading, it's all about the levels, and right now, #AVAXUSDT🚀 is at a crucial one. Keep those charts up and trade smart. #AVAXAdventure #Write2Earn‬
$AVAX at a Crossroads: Navigating the Bearish Hints on the 1-Hour Chart

Taking a look at the 1-hour chart for $AVAX , currently sitting at $36, the picture isn't particularly rosy. We're seeing a pattern of lower highs, which suggests a lack of bullish momentum to break above the descending trendline. This trendline is acting like a ceiling, capping any upward moves and hinting at a bearish outlook in the short term. Despite the recent bounce from the $35 support level, #AVAX/USDT needs to maintain this ground and consolidate to flip the sentiment.

The immediate challenge for $AVAX is to establish a strong support zone around the current levels to prevent a slip towards the monthly lows at $32. The resilience of holding its value in the face of a $382M standing is a subtle yet notable signal of underlying strength in the asset. If buyers step up to defend this region, we could start to see a shift in momentum.

For traders eyeing #avalanche the key is to watch for signs of consolidation and a potential bullish reversal pattern, like higher lows forming. If this support holds, it could be the foundation for a recovery back up the chart. But if it fails, brace for a possible retest of lower supports. Remember, in trading, it's all about the levels, and right now, #AVAXUSDT🚀 is at a crucial one. Keep those charts up and trade smart.

#AVAXAdventure #Write2Earn‬
eCash Price Prediction: Can $XEC Sustain The Recent Price Hike? 🤔 eCash is a new name for Bitcoin Cash ABC, a different version of Bitcoin. It’s kind of a replica 🤣 It’s a cryptocurrency that wants to be used like digital money. eCash also uses a new system called #avalanche to secure its network. The volume is high compared to the last days. According to market data, it ranks 82nd among the best cryptocurrencies. The project is beautiful, it is likely to catch up with its performance in the past days. The initial resistance is $0.000032 support is $0.000026. My price prediction is between $0.000034-0.000041 at the end of December if everything goes well. For the first half of 2024, my price prediction is a maximum of $0.00008. I am neutral for buying. I prefer to watch. #dyor #priceprediction
eCash Price Prediction: Can $XEC Sustain The Recent Price Hike? 🤔

eCash is a new name for Bitcoin Cash ABC, a different version of Bitcoin. It’s kind of a replica 🤣 It’s a cryptocurrency that wants to be used like digital money. eCash also uses a new system called #avalanche to secure its network.

The volume is high compared to the last days. According to market data, it ranks 82nd among the best cryptocurrencies. The project is beautiful, it is likely to catch up with its performance in the past days. The initial resistance is $0.000032 support is $0.000026.

My price prediction is between $0.000034-0.000041 at the end of December if everything goes well. For the first half of 2024, my price prediction is a maximum of $0.00008. I am neutral for buying. I prefer to watch. #dyor

Avalanche (AVAX) Might Repeat Solana's (SOL) Mind-Blowing Rally Avalanche showing numerous bullish patterns as price might show performance similar to Solana's Avalanche is charting a course that could mirror the explosive growth of Solana in its early days. With transaction volume swelling to nearly a thousand transactions exceeding $100,000 last week, AVAX is signaling robust momentum - however, not yet at the levels seen during the zenith of the last bull market. This uptick in transactional activity indicates growing bullish sentiment among investors and the growth of the ecosystem. The ecosystem’s tendency to grow is further evidenced by the impressive fee capture of Trader Joe’s DEX which, on Dec. 11, recorded $1.23 million, surging to its second-highest point this year. Revenue also saw a significant uptick, hitting $145K. Those metrics underscore the platform’s increasing use case. This blossoming activity coincided with a more than 20% price increase for AVAX, propelling it over the $40 mark and vaulting it into the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, marking a peak not seen since May 2022. Trader Joe's governance token, JOE, similarly enjoyed a more than 9% price increase, adding further credence to the synergistic growth within the Avalanche ecosystem. The question of whether AVAX can sustain its rally and perhaps even replicate SOL’s historic 3x rise remains open. The next few weeks will be critical in determining whether AVAX can cement its position as a leading cryptocurrency and if its ecosystem can continue to thrive amid the fluctuating tides of the market. The trajectory is set; whether it will soar as SOL did is a tale only time will tell. #AVAX #SOLPriceAnalysis #avalanche #Solana📈🚀🌐 #CryptoScoop $AVAX $SOL
Avalanche (AVAX) Might Repeat Solana's (SOL) Mind-Blowing Rally

Avalanche showing numerous bullish patterns as price might show performance similar to Solana's

Avalanche is charting a course that could mirror the explosive growth of Solana in its early days. With transaction volume swelling to nearly a thousand transactions exceeding $100,000 last week, AVAX is signaling robust momentum - however, not yet at the levels seen during the zenith of the last bull market. This uptick in transactional activity indicates growing bullish sentiment among investors and the growth of the ecosystem.

The ecosystem’s tendency to grow is further evidenced by the impressive fee capture of Trader Joe’s DEX which, on Dec. 11, recorded $1.23 million, surging to its second-highest point this year. Revenue also saw a significant uptick, hitting $145K. Those metrics underscore the platform’s increasing use case.

This blossoming activity coincided with a more than 20% price increase for AVAX, propelling it over the $40 mark and vaulting it into the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, marking a peak not seen since May 2022. Trader Joe's governance token, JOE, similarly enjoyed a more than 9% price increase, adding further credence to the synergistic growth within the Avalanche ecosystem.

The question of whether AVAX can sustain its rally and perhaps even replicate SOL’s historic 3x rise remains open.

The next few weeks will be critical in determining whether AVAX can cement its position as a leading cryptocurrency and if its ecosystem can continue to thrive amid the fluctuating tides of the market. The trajectory is set; whether it will soar as SOL did is a tale only time will tell.
#AVAX #SOLPriceAnalysis #avalanche #Solana📈🚀🌐 #CryptoScoop
Avalanche Network (AVAX) Outlook for 2024With blockchain technology rising in global prominence, developers are creating innovative solutions like the Avalanche network (AVAX) to address scalability, usability, and interoperability issues AVAX employs unique consensus mechanisms, including Avalanche consensus, facilitating rapid transaction processing and high throughput. This approach ensures decentralization, security, and seamless user experiences. Avalanche is an innovative contract blockchain that prioritizes high transaction speeds, lower fees, and eco-friendliness. Its primary goal is to deliver a highly scalable, decentralized, and secure blockchain ecosystem. The platform equips users with tools and features to launch decentralized finance (DeFi) applications (dApps), create digital financial assets, and develop enterprise financial solutions. At its core, Avalanche boasts the fastest smart contracts blockchain technology within the cryptocurrency industry. This cutting-edge technology is fueled by its native token, AVAX, and supported by various consensus mechanisms. Let’s delve deeper into understanding the workings of the Avalanche network. Origin and Development of Avalanche Technology and Network Architecture Avalanche technology was initially proposed in May 2018 by a group known as Team Rocket, who recommended the protocol via the Interplanetary File System (IPFS). This technology was further developed by Emin Gün Sirer, a software engineer and Cornell professor of computer science, along with his two doctoral students, Kevin Sekniqi and Maofan “Ted” Yin. Ava Labs publicly released AVA (Avalanche codebase) in March 2020 and subsequently launched the Avalanche platform later in the same year, following a successful $6 million financing round. The Avalanche network is an innovative three-blockchain system with an impressive architectural design. Each of the three blockchains within the platform is designated to perform specific tasks. By distributing tasks across these distinct blockchains, the Avalanche platform achieves agility, enabling scalability, decentralization, and enhanced security. Avalanche Network: Blockchain Functionality Avalanche’s C-chain operates on smart contracts and is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This compatibility with EVM allows developers to deploy their Ethereum smart contracts on Avalanche, facilitating the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. Developers can utilize Avalanche features by deploying Ethereum smart contracts on Avalanche while utilizing Ethereum developer tools. The Avalanche P-chain utilizes the Snowman consensus protocol, enabling developers to create both Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains, referred to as subnets. The P-chain serves as the default subnet, accessible to all users. It manages Avalanche subnets by overseeing validators, although the subnets validate the P-chain. Meanwhile, the X-chain, leveraging the Avalanche consensus protocol, generates and transacts Avalanche assets. Typically, the Avalanche native token (AVAX) is used to cover all transaction fees. Even when transacting with other Avalanche tokens like JOE or PNG, transaction fees are paid in AVAX. Avalanche Network: Addressing Blockchain Challenges Older blockchain platforms like Ethereum and Bitcoin relied on Proof-of-Work consensus mechanisms and struggled with low transaction processing speeds, handling only 25 and 7 transactions per second, respectively. In contrast, the Avalanche network resolves these issues by achieving transaction processing speeds of up to 4,500 transactions per second. Interoperability and Innovation: Despite the emergence of new blockchain technologies, interoperability remains a challenge as many blockchains struggle to communicate effectively. Avalanche addresses this issue by supporting the creation and trading of various cryptocurrencies, enhancing interoperability across the ecosystem. Layer 2 Functionality and Enterprise Solutions: Avalanche introduces a range of layer 2 blockchains to enhance its functionality, making it attractive to enterprises and businesses. The platform’s focus on improving network flexibility, security, and sustainability further solidifies its position as a leading blockchain solution. Benefits and Market Dynamics of Avalanche (AVAX) Unique Design and Usability: Avalanche presents significant benefits through its unique structure, notably in terms of usability. The network’s straightforward usability has proven helpful across various use cases, simplifying adoption and implementation for users. Scalability and Processing Capacity: Avalanche stands out as a robust and scalable network capable of processing up to 6,500 transactions per second, far surpassing Bitcoin and Ethereum’s capabilities. With sub-second transaction times and impressive processing capacity, Avalanche provides the scalability required for blockchain networks to thrive. Interoperability and Data Sharing: A key advantage of Avalanche is its support for interoperability, allowing distinct blockchains to share data and operate seamlessly. This feature sets Avalanche apart as one of the few platforms enabling users to trade different cryptocurrencies within a unified network. Value Proposition and Market Dynamics: AVAX derives its value from the technical prowess of the Avalanche network, its diverse range of use cases, and its relevance in decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized applications (dApps) sectors. However, the cryptocurrency’s intrinsic value, particularly in financial use cases, does not always align with its market value. Market Volatility and Current Status: The market value of AVAX, like many cryptocurrencies, is subject to fluctuations due to the volatile nature of the crypto market. Prices can change rapidly within short periods. Presently, AVAX’s market value stands at $20.78, with a market capitalization of $7.59 billion. In Summary: Avalanche is emerging as a major competitor to Ethereum, offering speed, reliability, and interoperability for supporting decentralized applications and autonomous blockchains. For investors, this suggests that AVAX is a promising cryptocurrency investment with a bright future ahead. ⚠️Disclaimer This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader. #avalanche #AVAX

Avalanche Network (AVAX) Outlook for 2024

With blockchain technology rising in global prominence, developers are creating innovative solutions like the Avalanche network (AVAX) to address scalability, usability, and interoperability issues
AVAX employs unique consensus mechanisms, including Avalanche consensus, facilitating rapid transaction processing and high throughput. This approach ensures decentralization, security, and seamless user experiences.
Avalanche is an innovative contract blockchain that prioritizes high transaction speeds, lower fees, and eco-friendliness. Its primary goal is to deliver a highly scalable, decentralized, and secure blockchain ecosystem. The platform equips users with tools and features to launch decentralized finance (DeFi) applications (dApps), create digital financial assets, and develop enterprise financial solutions.
At its core, Avalanche boasts the fastest smart contracts blockchain technology within the cryptocurrency industry. This cutting-edge technology is fueled by its native token, AVAX, and supported by various consensus mechanisms. Let’s delve deeper into understanding the workings of the Avalanche network.
Origin and Development of Avalanche Technology and Network Architecture
Avalanche technology was initially proposed in May 2018 by a group known as Team Rocket, who recommended the protocol via the Interplanetary File System (IPFS). This technology was further developed by Emin Gün Sirer, a software engineer and Cornell professor of computer science, along with his two doctoral students, Kevin Sekniqi and Maofan “Ted” Yin. Ava Labs publicly released AVA (Avalanche codebase) in March 2020 and subsequently launched the Avalanche platform later in the same year, following a successful $6 million financing round.

The Avalanche network is an innovative three-blockchain system with an impressive architectural design. Each of the three blockchains within the platform is designated to perform specific tasks. By distributing tasks across these distinct blockchains, the Avalanche platform achieves agility, enabling scalability, decentralization, and enhanced security.
Avalanche Network: Blockchain Functionality
Avalanche’s C-chain operates on smart contracts and is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This compatibility with EVM allows developers to deploy their Ethereum smart contracts on Avalanche, facilitating the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. Developers can utilize Avalanche features by deploying Ethereum smart contracts on Avalanche while utilizing Ethereum developer tools.

The Avalanche P-chain utilizes the Snowman consensus protocol, enabling developers to create both Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains, referred to as subnets. The P-chain serves as the default subnet, accessible to all users. It manages Avalanche subnets by overseeing validators, although the subnets validate the P-chain.
Meanwhile, the X-chain, leveraging the Avalanche consensus protocol, generates and transacts Avalanche assets. Typically, the Avalanche native token (AVAX) is used to cover all transaction fees. Even when transacting with other Avalanche tokens like JOE or PNG, transaction fees are paid in AVAX.
Avalanche Network: Addressing Blockchain Challenges
Older blockchain platforms like Ethereum and Bitcoin relied on Proof-of-Work consensus mechanisms and struggled with low transaction processing speeds, handling only 25 and 7 transactions per second, respectively. In contrast, the Avalanche network resolves these issues by achieving transaction processing speeds of up to 4,500 transactions per second.
Interoperability and Innovation: Despite the emergence of new blockchain technologies, interoperability remains a challenge as many blockchains struggle to communicate effectively. Avalanche addresses this issue by supporting the creation and trading of various cryptocurrencies, enhancing interoperability across the ecosystem.
Layer 2 Functionality and Enterprise Solutions: Avalanche introduces a range of layer 2 blockchains to enhance its functionality, making it attractive to enterprises and businesses. The platform’s focus on improving network flexibility, security, and sustainability further solidifies its position as a leading blockchain solution.
Benefits and Market Dynamics of Avalanche (AVAX)
Unique Design and Usability: Avalanche presents significant benefits through its unique structure, notably in terms of usability. The network’s straightforward usability has proven helpful across various use cases, simplifying adoption and implementation for users.
Scalability and Processing Capacity: Avalanche stands out as a robust and scalable network capable of processing up to 6,500 transactions per second, far surpassing Bitcoin and Ethereum’s capabilities. With sub-second transaction times and impressive processing capacity, Avalanche provides the scalability required for blockchain networks to thrive.
Interoperability and Data Sharing: A key advantage of Avalanche is its support for interoperability, allowing distinct blockchains to share data and operate seamlessly. This feature sets Avalanche apart as one of the few platforms enabling users to trade different cryptocurrencies within a unified network.
Value Proposition and Market Dynamics: AVAX derives its value from the technical prowess of the Avalanche network, its diverse range of use cases, and its relevance in decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized applications (dApps) sectors. However, the cryptocurrency’s intrinsic value, particularly in financial use cases, does not always align with its market value.
Market Volatility and Current Status: The market value of AVAX, like many cryptocurrencies, is subject to fluctuations due to the volatile nature of the crypto market. Prices can change rapidly within short periods. Presently, AVAX’s market value stands at $20.78, with a market capitalization of $7.59 billion.
In Summary:
Avalanche is emerging as a major competitor to Ethereum, offering speed, reliability, and interoperability for supporting decentralized applications and autonomous blockchains. For investors, this suggests that AVAX is a promising cryptocurrency investment with a bright future ahead.
This content aims to enrich readers with information. Always conduct independent research and use discretionary funds before investing. All buying, selling, and crypto asset investment activities are the responsibility of the reader.
#avalanche #AVAX
The Durango network upgrade's ramifications are explained by AvalancheDetails on the potential effects of Durango on various parts of the network have been made public by Avalanche. On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at around 11 a.m. ET, the Fuji testnet will go online with the introduction of Durango, a planned upgrade to the Avalanche network. The upgrade's pre-release code has already been provided by the Avalanche Labs engineering team. Core Stake, developer accountability, and staking migration might be impacted. First things first, the Avalanche Wallet is now in charge of the staking feature. Durango, on the other hand, would soon render that feature obsolete. Nevertheless, the site will continue to function until March of the current year, when it is designated for deprecation. Staking will no longer be supported in Avalanche Wallet or any future versions that are developed from it when Durango is released. This is because there is currently no support for the new permissionless transaction types. The recommendation is to go to Core Stake. Validators utilizing Fuji might benefit from this alternative. Since Core Stake is compatible with the new transaction type, it will continue to function even after Durango is released. A developer's duty is to ensure that Avalanche JSv1 is continuously maintained. Fork creators of Avalanche Wallet, this is for you. The fact that Durango does not work with older forms of transactions is the main cause here. On February 2, 2024, the pre-release code for a planned Avalanche Network update was published. Their records show that Patrick O'Grady, VP of Engineering Platform at Ava Labs, is the one who shared it. Welcome to the Avalanche Interoperability Age! The pre-release code has been published, and it has been praised. The Avalanche ecosystem is now focused on learning how Durango affects the Avalanche Web Wallet in a practical sense. But it isn't the only thing that the Avalanche community is hoping for. This year, Avalanche Summit will be back, as confirmed by Avalanche. In October of 2024, Buenos Aires, Argentina will host the event. You may apply for a speaking engagement, sponsorship, or purchase tickets on the official website. Some of the firms that have supported Avalanche Summit in the past include Chainlink, Circle, The Graph, Fireblocks, and VNTR Capital. Currently, there is a bullish wave affecting Avalanche's native coin, AVAX. As this post is being written, its price is $34.30, a 0.44% increase over the previous 24 hours. Additional declines of 0.31% and 0.73% during the last week and thirty days, respectively, are reflected in the value. A 0.44% increase in market value is accompanied by a 2.44% decrease in 24-hour volume. Changes are inevitable with the release of Durango, an update to the Avalanche Network. What this means for developers and how it affects Avalanche Web Wallet are both open questions. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell #avalanche

The Durango network upgrade's ramifications are explained by Avalanche

Details on the potential effects of Durango on various parts of the network have been made public by Avalanche. On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at around 11 a.m. ET, the Fuji testnet will go online with the introduction of Durango, a planned upgrade to the Avalanche network. The upgrade's pre-release code has already been provided by the Avalanche Labs engineering team. Core Stake, developer accountability, and staking migration might be impacted.
First things first, the Avalanche Wallet is now in charge of the staking feature. Durango, on the other hand, would soon render that feature obsolete. Nevertheless, the site will continue to function until March of the current year, when it is designated for deprecation. Staking will no longer be supported in Avalanche Wallet or any future versions that are developed from it when Durango is released. This is because there is currently no support for the new permissionless transaction types.
The recommendation is to go to Core Stake. Validators utilizing Fuji might benefit from this alternative. Since Core Stake is compatible with the new transaction type, it will continue to function even after Durango is released.
A developer's duty is to ensure that Avalanche JSv1 is continuously maintained. Fork creators of Avalanche Wallet, this is for you. The fact that Durango does not work with older forms of transactions is the main cause here.
On February 2, 2024, the pre-release code for a planned Avalanche Network update was published. Their records show that Patrick O'Grady, VP of Engineering Platform at Ava Labs, is the one who shared it. Welcome to the Avalanche Interoperability Age! The pre-release code has been published, and it has been praised.
The Avalanche ecosystem is now focused on learning how Durango affects the Avalanche Web Wallet in a practical sense.
But it isn't the only thing that the Avalanche community is hoping for. This year, Avalanche Summit will be back, as confirmed by Avalanche. In October of 2024, Buenos Aires, Argentina will host the event. You may apply for a speaking engagement, sponsorship, or purchase tickets on the official website.
Some of the firms that have supported Avalanche Summit in the past include Chainlink, Circle, The Graph, Fireblocks, and VNTR Capital.
Currently, there is a bullish wave affecting Avalanche's native coin, AVAX. As this post is being written, its price is $34.30, a 0.44% increase over the previous 24 hours. Additional declines of 0.31% and 0.73% during the last week and thirty days, respectively, are reflected in the value. A 0.44% increase in market value is accompanied by a 2.44% decrease in 24-hour volume.
Changes are inevitable with the release of Durango, an update to the Avalanche Network. What this means for developers and how it affects Avalanche Web Wallet are both open questions.
#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #TradeNTell #avalanche
Криптоәлемдегі соңғы жаңалықтармен танысыңыз
⚡️ Криптовалюта тақырыбындағы соңғы талқылауларға қатысыңыз
💬 Таңдаулы авторларыңызбен әрекеттесіңіз
👍 Өзіңізге қызық контентті тамашалаңыз
Электрондық пошта/телефон нөмірі