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Hossa 2025
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens. Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens.
Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
Жоғары (өспелі)
العملات البديلة تحت الضغط: سولانا، ودوجكوين، وإيثريوم تواجه مستويات حرجة يقترب سولانا من تقاطع الموت، ويكافح تحت مستوى 150 دولارا مع احتمال الانخفاض إلى 110 أو 100 دولار. يواجه Dogecoin خطر الانخفاض إلى ما دون 0.14 دولار، وربما ينخفض ​​إلى 0.10 دولار – 0.12 دولار. يخترق الإيثريوم مستوى الدعم 2000 دولار، مما يشير إلى زخم هبوطي ومزيد من الخسائر. يقترب سهم سولانا من نموذج تقاطع الموت يواجه سهم سولانا ضغطًا هبوطيًا قويًا، إذ يتجه نحو نموذج تقاطع الموت. يحدث هذا عندما يتقاطع المتوسط ​​المتحرك لـ 50 يومًا دون المتوسط ​​المتحرك لـ 200 يوم، والذي كان يُستخدم سابقًا كمؤشر على اتجاه هبوطي طويل الأمد وزيادة في ضغط البيع. أثّر انهيار مستوى دعم رئيسي سلبًا على سوق سولانا. كان مستوى الدعم عند 150 دولارًا قويًا، لكنه ضعف، وانخفض سهم سولانا إلى حوالي 124 دولارًا. إذا كان نموذج تقاطع الموت صحيحًا، فقد يؤدي ذلك إلى المزيد من عمليات التصفية وانخفاض الأسعار. يشير سعر سولانا إلى اتجاه هبوطي، حيث تميل المتوسطات المتحركة قصيرة الأجل إلى الهبوط. يشير المتوسط ​​المتحرك المستقر لمئتي يوم إلى تراجع الزخم الصعودي. إذا لم يتمكن سولانا من الحفاظ على الدعم، فقد ينخفض ​​إلى 110 دولارات، وقد يختبر مستوى 100 دولار. $DOGE #dodge #solana #eth {future}(DOGEUSDT) $SOL {future}(SOLUSDT) $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT)
العملات البديلة تحت الضغط: سولانا، ودوجكوين، وإيثريوم تواجه مستويات حرجة

يقترب سولانا من تقاطع الموت، ويكافح تحت مستوى 150 دولارا مع احتمال الانخفاض إلى 110 أو 100 دولار.
يواجه Dogecoin خطر الانخفاض إلى ما دون 0.14 دولار، وربما ينخفض ​​إلى 0.10 دولار – 0.12 دولار.
يخترق الإيثريوم مستوى الدعم 2000 دولار، مما يشير إلى زخم هبوطي ومزيد من الخسائر.
يقترب سهم سولانا من نموذج تقاطع الموت

يواجه سهم سولانا ضغطًا هبوطيًا قويًا، إذ يتجه نحو نموذج تقاطع الموت. يحدث هذا عندما يتقاطع المتوسط ​​المتحرك لـ 50 يومًا دون المتوسط ​​المتحرك لـ 200 يوم، والذي كان يُستخدم سابقًا كمؤشر على اتجاه هبوطي طويل الأمد وزيادة في ضغط البيع.

أثّر انهيار مستوى دعم رئيسي سلبًا على سوق سولانا. كان مستوى الدعم عند 150 دولارًا قويًا، لكنه ضعف، وانخفض سهم سولانا إلى حوالي 124 دولارًا. إذا كان نموذج تقاطع الموت صحيحًا، فقد يؤدي ذلك إلى المزيد من عمليات التصفية وانخفاض الأسعار.

يشير سعر سولانا إلى اتجاه هبوطي، حيث تميل المتوسطات المتحركة قصيرة الأجل إلى الهبوط. يشير المتوسط ​​المتحرك المستقر لمئتي يوم إلى تراجع الزخم الصعودي. إذا لم يتمكن سولانا من الحفاظ على الدعم، فقد ينخفض ​​إلى 110 دولارات، وقد يختبر مستوى 100 دولار.
JUST IN: Elon Musk says "DOGE is a threat to the bureaucracy." "This is the first time…that we can restore power to the people." Dogecoin could see strong growth this year, potentially hitting $1.00 per month.$BTC #dodge {future}(DOGEUSDT)
JUST IN: Elon Musk says "DOGE is a threat to the bureaucracy."
"This is the first time…that we can restore power to the people."
Dogecoin could see strong growth this year, potentially hitting $1.00 per month.$BTC #dodge
TRUMPPOWTrump Fires Powell (TRUMPPOW) Solana Memecoin Will Surge 15,000% Before Exchange Listing, While S... oTrump Fires Powell could turn early investors into multi-millionaires, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) did. Trump Fires Powell (TRUMPPOW), a new Solana memecoin that was launched today, is set to explode over 15,000% in price in the coming days. This is because TRUMPPOW is set to soon be listed on numerous crypto exchanges, according to reports. This will give the Solana memecoin exposure to millions of additional investors, who will pour funds into the coin and drive its price up. Currently, Trump Fires Powell can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like and, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days. Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Trump Fires Powell could become the next viral memecoin. Trump Fires Powell launched with over $9,000 of liquidity, giving it a unique advantage over the majority of other new memecoins, and early investors could make huge gains. #dodge #Shibalnu #Trump #trumppow


Trump Fires Powell (TRUMPPOW) Solana Memecoin Will Surge 15,000% Before Exchange Listing, While S...
oTrump Fires Powell could turn early investors into multi-millionaires, like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) did.
Trump Fires Powell (TRUMPPOW), a new Solana memecoin that was launched today, is set to explode over 15,000% in price in the coming days.
This is because TRUMPPOW is set to soon be listed on numerous crypto exchanges, according to reports.
This will give the Solana memecoin exposure to millions of additional investors, who will pour funds into the coin and drive its price up.
Currently, Trump Fires Powell can only be purchased via Solana decentralized exchanges, like and, and early investors stand to make huge returns in the coming days.
Early investors in SHIB and DOGE made astronomical returns, and Trump Fires Powell could become the next viral memecoin.
Trump Fires Powell launched with over $9,000 of liquidity, giving it a unique advantage over the majority of other new memecoins, and early investors could make huge gains.

#dodge #Shibalnu #Trump #trumppow
hi To All i am new join to Bainace plz guide Me i am more interested in Dodge Coins #dodge #dodgcoin
hi To All i am new join to Bainace plz guide Me i am more interested in Dodge Coins #dodge #dodgcoin
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens. Last chance to buy american currencies: #ondo , #DASH and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens.
Last chance to buy american currencies: #ondo , #DASH and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens. Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens.
Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens. Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens.
Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
Жоғары (өспелі)
#dodge se viene la subida atentos..!!
#dodge se viene la subida atentos..!!
Жоғары (өспелі)
#TrumpMarketInsights $TRUMP similar #Dodge În ultimele zile, $TRUMP, criptomoneda oficială lansată de președintele ales Donald Trump, a înregistrat fluctuații semnificative. După lansare, prețul a crescut rapid, atingând un maxim de 75 , urmat de o scădere la aproximativ 40 Ulterior,a recuperat până la 63 USD, dar a scăzut din nou la 44 USD în ziua inaugurării lui Trump ca președinte. În prezent, are o capitalizare de piață de aproximativ 11 miliarde USD, cu o ofertă suplimentară de monede care urmează să fie deblocată în următorii trei ani. De asemenea, planurile familiei Trump includ lansarea unor monede suplimentare, precum cele pentru Eric și Barron Trump. Analiștii prevăd că ar putea urma un traseu similar cu Dogecoin, atrăgând lichiditate din piață înainte de a se stabiliza și a permite altor altcoins să crească. Pe termen scurt, unii speculează că ar putea atinge noi maxime de 80 USD în zilele următoare. Cu toate acestea, există îngrijorări legate de deținerea unei părți semnificative din monede de către entități afiliate lui Trump, ceea ce ar putea duce la conflicte de interese și volatilitate pe piață. În plus, lansarea monedei sotiei sale, a provocat o scădere de 50% a valorii $TRUMP, evidențiind natura speculativă și volatilă a acestor monede. În concluzie, deși $TRUMP a demonstrat un potențial de creștere rapidă, investițiile în astfel de criptomonede rămân riscante și imprevizibile. #TrumpMarketInsights

$TRUMP similar #Dodge

În ultimele zile, $TRUMP , criptomoneda oficială lansată de președintele ales Donald Trump, a înregistrat fluctuații semnificative. După lansare, prețul a crescut rapid, atingând un maxim de 75 , urmat de o scădere la aproximativ 40 Ulterior,a recuperat până la 63 USD, dar a scăzut din nou la 44 USD în ziua inaugurării lui Trump ca președinte.

În prezent, are o capitalizare de piață de aproximativ 11 miliarde USD, cu o ofertă suplimentară de monede care urmează să fie deblocată în următorii trei ani. De asemenea, planurile familiei Trump includ lansarea unor monede suplimentare, precum cele pentru Eric și Barron Trump.

Analiștii prevăd că ar putea urma un traseu similar cu Dogecoin, atrăgând lichiditate din piață înainte de a se stabiliza și a permite altor altcoins să crească. Pe termen scurt, unii speculează că ar putea atinge noi maxime de 80 USD în zilele următoare.

Cu toate acestea, există îngrijorări legate de deținerea unei părți semnificative din monede de către entități afiliate lui Trump, ceea ce ar putea duce la conflicte de interese și volatilitate pe piață. În plus, lansarea monedei sotiei sale, a provocat o scădere de 50% a valorii $TRUMP , evidențiind natura speculativă și volatilă a acestor monede.

În concluzie, deși $TRUMP a demonstrat un potențial de creștere rapidă, investițiile în astfel de criptomonede rămân riscante și imprevizibile.

Жоғары (өспелі)
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens. Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #dash and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens.
Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #dash and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens. Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens.
Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
DODGE COIN have geart opportunity to growing strong this year when iy can get up to 1$ per month #dodge #WriteRean2👏
DODGE COIN have geart opportunity to growing strong this year when iy can get up to 1$ per month #dodge #WriteRean2👏
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens. Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
The whole world is looking in one and only direction. The upcoming hossa will be under the sign of 🇺🇸 tokens.
Last chance to buy american currencies: #ONDO , #DASH and #dodge
Жоғары (өспелі)
A meme coin will rapidly grow high like#PEPE ‏#dodge #sol
A meme coin will rapidly grow high like#PEPE ‏#dodge #sol
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