Binance Square
🚀 "Passionate Crypto Enthusiast 🌕| Decentralized Dreamer 🌐 | smart contracts Sorcerer📜 | DeFi explorer💰| Crafting a Crypto Odyssey, One Byte at a time💸
BitEagle News
2010 年から 2023 年までの毎年の #Bitcoin の最低価格は次のとおりです。

2010: 0.01 ドル
2011: 0.29 ドル
2012年: 4ドル
2013年: 13ドル
2014: 200ドル
2015年: 185ドル
2016年: 365ドル
2017年: 780ドル
2018年: 3,200ドル
2019年: 3,350ドル
2020年: 3,901ドル
2021年: 27,882ドル
2022年: 15,485ドル
2023年: 16,489ドル
Mt. Gox の債権者が返済を受け取り始める、一部は二重支払い 12 月 26 日、ソーシャルメディアの複数の投稿から、長い間閉鎖されていたビットコイン取引所 Mt. Gox が PayPal 経由でユーザーに日本円建ての返済金を送金し始めたことがうかがえる。これは、2014 年以来、同取引所で資金がロックされてから 10 年後のことである。 複数のユーザーが返済金を受け取ったと主張し、PayPal の支払い領収書が含まれたメールのスクリーンショットを共有した。 複数のユーザーは二重支払いを受け取ったと主張し、Mt. Gox がメールで誤りを認め、2 回目の支払いの返還を要求したと述べた。 メールの中で、Mt. Gox は次のように明確にした。「システムの問題により、お客様への送金が誤って 2 回行われてしまいました。お客様には 2 回目の送金を受け取る権限がなく、上記の金額を再生管財人に返還する法的義務があることにご注意ください。」 #BTC #Mt.Gox.creditors.started #Cryptocurrrency
Mt. Gox の債権者が返済を受け取り始める、一部は二重支払い

12 月 26 日、ソーシャルメディアの複数の投稿から、長い間閉鎖されていたビットコイン取引所 Mt. Gox が PayPal 経由でユーザーに日本円建ての返済金を送金し始めたことがうかがえる。これは、2014 年以来、同取引所で資金がロックされてから 10 年後のことである。

複数のユーザーが返済金を受け取ったと主張し、PayPal の支払い領収書が含まれたメールのスクリーンショットを共有した。

複数のユーザーは二重支払いを受け取ったと主張し、Mt. Gox がメールで誤りを認め、2 回目の支払いの返還を要求したと述べた。

メールの中で、Mt. Gox は次のように明確にした。「システムの問題により、お客様への送金が誤って 2 回行われてしまいました。お客様には 2 回目の送金を受け取る権限がなく、上記の金額を再生管財人に返還する法的義務があることにご注意ください。」
#BTC #Mt.Gox.creditors.started #Cryptocurrrency
2023年11月24日の主なハイライト: • 🚀 UniswapのUNIトークンが上昇。ビットコインは37,000ドルで安定。 • 💼 Coinbaseが小売フローを拡大する中、Binanceのビットコイン準備金が減少。 • 🎭 Binanceの新しい先物により、BONKトークンの急騰が危険にさらされる。 • 🔒 ビットコイン供給の70%が1年間非アクティブ。 • 💸 ビットコイン取引の手数料が過去最高となる310万ドル。 • ⚙️ イーサリアムレイヤー2の開発が暗号通貨コミュニティを分裂させる。 • 🏦 オーストリアのライファイゼン銀行が1月に暗号通貨取引を開始。 • 🇸🇬 シンガポール中央銀行が暗号通貨投機防止規則を制定。 • 🇰🇷 韓国、2024年に10万人の国民を対象にCBDCの試験運用を実施。 • 🛫 バイナンスの元CEO、CZは逃亡の恐れがあると検察が主張。 • 💶 スペイン中央銀行総裁、デジタルユーロの進展は遅いが継続中と主張。 • 🕵️‍♂️ KyberSwap DEXがハッキングされ4800万ドルが流出。 • ⛏️ F2Poolのビットコインマイニングにおける反検閲姿勢が強調。 • 🔄 The Protocolのリーダーシップが変更:CZが退任、Altmanが就任、Krakenが訴訟。 #ETH #cryptonewstoday #BTC #Blast #Blur

• 🚀 UniswapのUNIトークンが上昇。ビットコインは37,000ドルで安定。
• 💼 Coinbaseが小売フローを拡大する中、Binanceのビットコイン準備金が減少。
• 🎭 Binanceの新しい先物により、BONKトークンの急騰が危険にさらされる。
• 🔒 ビットコイン供給の70%が1年間非アクティブ。
• 💸 ビットコイン取引の手数料が過去最高となる310万ドル。
• ⚙️ イーサリアムレイヤー2の開発が暗号通貨コミュニティを分裂させる。
• 🏦 オーストリアのライファイゼン銀行が1月に暗号通貨取引を開始。
• 🇸🇬 シンガポール中央銀行が暗号通貨投機防止規則を制定。
• 🇰🇷 韓国、2024年に10万人の国民を対象にCBDCの試験運用を実施。
• 🛫 バイナンスの元CEO、CZは逃亡の恐れがあると検察が主張。
• 💶 スペイン中央銀行総裁、デジタルユーロの進展は遅いが継続中と主張。
• 🕵️‍♂️ KyberSwap DEXがハッキングされ4800万ドルが流出。
• ⛏️ F2Poolのビットコインマイニングにおける反検閲姿勢が強調。
• 🔄 The Protocolのリーダーシップが変更:CZが退任、Altmanが就任、Krakenが訴訟。

#ETH #cryptonewstoday #BTC #Blast #Blur
📢 Breaking News Update Yesterday's Update on CZ's Case: CZ Released on $175M Bond: CZ has been released from custody on a $175 million personal recognizance bond. Judge's Appreciation: Judge appreciates CZ's presence in the US, highlighting no direct obligation. Guilty Plea: Zhao pleaded guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act. Sentencing Scheduled: Sentencing hearing set for Feb. 23, 2024. Rumors of Jail Term: Rumors circulating about a possible one-year jail term for CZ. Return to US: CZ required to return to the US 14 days before sentencing. Latest Update: Prosecution's Stand: Public prosecutors insist CZ should not leave the USA until sentencing. Citizenship Revelation: Breaking News - CZ revealed as a UAE citizen. Extradition Agreement Absent: No mutual extradition agreement between USA and UAE. Flight Risk Concerns: Speculation rises that CZ might flee and not return to the USA by Feb. 23, 2024. Stay tuned for further Latest and Real Time Crypto News. #RichardTeng #CZAndBinanceForLife #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫
📢 Breaking News Update

Yesterday's Update on CZ's Case:

CZ Released on $175M Bond:
CZ has been released from custody on a $175 million personal recognizance bond.

Judge's Appreciation:
Judge appreciates CZ's presence in the US, highlighting no direct obligation.

Guilty Plea:
Zhao pleaded guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act.

Sentencing Scheduled:
Sentencing hearing set for Feb. 23, 2024.

Rumors of Jail Term:
Rumors circulating about a possible one-year jail term for CZ.

Return to US:
CZ required to return to the US 14 days before sentencing.

Latest Update:

Prosecution's Stand:
Public prosecutors insist CZ should not leave the USA until sentencing.

Citizenship Revelation:
Breaking News - CZ revealed as a UAE citizen.

Extradition Agreement Absent:
No mutual extradition agreement between USA and UAE.

Flight Risk Concerns:
Speculation rises that CZ might flee and not return to the USA by Feb. 23, 2024.

Stay tuned for further Latest and Real Time Crypto News.

#RichardTeng #CZAndBinanceForLife #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫
米証券取引委員会(SEC)は、仮想通貨取引所クラーケンが証券法に違反しているとして訴訟を起こした。 SEC によると、Kraken は SEC に登録せずにブローカー、ディーラー、取引所、清算機関として活動してきたとされています。 SECは、クラーケンの行為により、米国証券法の要件を遵守せずに数十億ドルの手数料とトレーディング収入が発生し、投資家が重大なリスクにさらされたと主張している。訴訟ではまた、クラーケンの商慣行、内部統制、記録管理が投資家にさらなるリスクをもたらしているとも主張しており、適切に登録された証券仲介業者であればこれは禁止されている。 これに対し、SECは被告らの証券法違反を永久に禁止し、不正に得た利益の剥奪を求める判決を求めている。さらにSECは、Krakenが未登録の取引所、ブローカー、ディーラー、清算機関として活動することを阻止することを目指している。 #opbnb #ordinals #Pyth #BTC #etf
米証券取引委員会(SEC)は、仮想通貨取引所クラーケンが証券法に違反しているとして訴訟を起こした。 SEC によると、Kraken は SEC に登録せずにブローカー、ディーラー、取引所、清算機関として活動してきたとされています。



#opbnb #ordinals #Pyth #BTC #etf
📈 Crypto Market Overview - Nov 19, 2023: • Bitcoin’s Slight Retreat: Bitcoin (BTC) trades at $36,410, a 0.25% decrease . • Market Growth: Last week saw an 8.55% rise in crypto prices, with increased volume and volatility . • ETH & BTC New Highs: Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) prices hit new yearly highs, boosting investor sentiment . 🏦 Institutional Moves: • SEC Delays ETF Decisions: The US SEC postponed decisions on Bitcoin ETF applications by Global X and Franklin Templeton. • BlackRock’s Ethereum ETF: BlackRock filed for a spot Ethereum ETF, expanding its crypto involvement . • HSBC’s Digital Custody: HSBC to launch digital asset custody services for blockchain-based securities by 2024 . • UBS ETF Trading in Hong Kong: UBS now allows clients to trade in three crypto ETFs . 💻 Tech and Innovation: • Strike’s Global Expansion: Bitcoin Strike partners with for debit card Bitcoin purchases in 65+ countries . • JPMorgan’s Programmable Payments: JPMorgan introduces a programmable payment feature for its blockchain platform . • Deutsche Börse’s Digital Platform: Frankfurt Stock Exchange owner to develop a blockchain-backed trading platform for digital assets . 📊 Corporate Developments: • Sam Altman’s Exit Affects Worldcoin: Sam Altman’s departure from OpenAI leads to a decline in Worldcoin’s value . • Republic’s Digital Asset on Avalanche: Investment firm Republic to issue its digital asset on the Avalanche network . • Circle’s IPO Plans: USDC stablecoin issuer Circle considers a 2024 IPO . 🚨 Security Incidents: • Poloniex Exchange Hack: Hackers drain Poloniex’s hot wallets, causing an estimated $114 million loss . 🔧 Trading Tools and Platforms: • Bitget’s Position Grids: Bitget introduces a new trading tool to leverage market fluctuations . #ETH #Pyth #BTC #Binance #etf
📈 Crypto Market Overview - Nov 19, 2023:

• Bitcoin’s Slight Retreat: Bitcoin (BTC) trades at $36,410, a 0.25% decrease .
• Market Growth: Last week saw an 8.55% rise in crypto prices, with increased volume and volatility .
• ETH & BTC New Highs: Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) prices hit new yearly highs, boosting investor sentiment .

🏦 Institutional Moves:

• SEC Delays ETF Decisions: The US SEC postponed decisions on Bitcoin ETF applications by Global X and Franklin Templeton.
• BlackRock’s Ethereum ETF: BlackRock filed for a spot Ethereum ETF, expanding its crypto involvement .
• HSBC’s Digital Custody: HSBC to launch digital asset custody services for blockchain-based securities by 2024 .
• UBS ETF Trading in Hong Kong: UBS now allows clients to trade in three crypto ETFs .

💻 Tech and Innovation:

• Strike’s Global Expansion: Bitcoin Strike partners with for debit card Bitcoin purchases in 65+ countries .
• JPMorgan’s Programmable Payments: JPMorgan introduces a programmable payment feature for its blockchain platform .
• Deutsche Börse’s Digital Platform: Frankfurt Stock Exchange owner to develop a blockchain-backed trading platform for digital assets .

📊 Corporate Developments:

• Sam Altman’s Exit Affects Worldcoin: Sam Altman’s departure from OpenAI leads to a decline in Worldcoin’s value .
• Republic’s Digital Asset on Avalanche: Investment firm Republic to issue its digital asset on the Avalanche network .
• Circle’s IPO Plans: USDC stablecoin issuer Circle considers a 2024 IPO .

🚨 Security Incidents:

• Poloniex Exchange Hack: Hackers drain Poloniex’s hot wallets, causing an estimated $114 million loss .

🔧 Trading Tools and Platforms:

• Bitget’s Position Grids: Bitget introduces a new trading tool to leverage market fluctuations .

#ETH #Pyth #BTC #Binance #etf
🚀BTC 愛好家の皆さん、こんにちは!🚀 今週、暗号通貨市場は下落し、ほとんどのコインが赤字で取引されています。ビットコインの価格は 3% 下落し、36,000 ドル前後で推移しています。下落にもかかわらず、まだ楽観的な空気が漂っています。ソラナ (SOL) とドージコイン (DOGE) は、トップ 10 のアルトコインの中で唯一、値上がりしており、SOL は今週 8.5% 上昇しています。📈

その他のニュースでは、世界最大の資産運用会社であるブラックロックが、米国証券取引委員会にスポット イーサリアム (ETH) ETF を申請しました。一方、テザーは、世界のハッシュ レートの 1% を獲得することを目指して、ビットコイン マイニング インフラストラクチャに 5 億ドルを投資すると発表しました。💰

Solana's Largest DEX Aggregator Jupiter Announced 4 Billion Token Airdrop Reported by The Block, Solana's largest decentralized exchange aggregator, Jupiter, has unveiled a retrospective token airdrop program aimed at rewarding its early users.  As part of a community-centric initiative, this airdrop will see the distribution of four billion (40%) of Jupiter's total 10 billion tokens across four phases. Commencing next week, the initial phase will release one billion Jupiter tokens to users who have conducted a minimum of $1,000 in swap volume on the protocol. The eligibility list encompasses 955,000 wallets identified in a snapshot taken on November 2.  The airdrop incorporates various reward tiers based on the volume of user swaps. The team has clarified that upcoming airdrop rounds will focus on rewarding new users. The official airdrop allocation website will go live next week, enabling everyone to verify their allocation amount and other pertinent details. #Airdrop🪂 #newsTrading #BTC
Solana's Largest DEX Aggregator Jupiter Announced 4 Billion Token Airdrop

Reported by The Block, Solana's largest decentralized exchange aggregator, Jupiter, has unveiled a retrospective token airdrop program aimed at rewarding its early users. 

As part of a community-centric initiative, this airdrop will see the distribution of four billion (40%) of Jupiter's total 10 billion tokens across four phases. Commencing next week, the initial phase will release one billion Jupiter tokens to users who have conducted a minimum of $1,000 in swap volume on the protocol. The eligibility list encompasses 955,000 wallets identified in a snapshot taken on November 2. 

The airdrop incorporates various reward tiers based on the volume of user swaps. The team has clarified that upcoming airdrop rounds will focus on rewarding new users.

The official airdrop allocation website will go live next week, enabling everyone to verify their allocation amount and other pertinent details.

#Airdrop🪂 #newsTrading #BTC
The dYdX chain, built on Cosmos, has entered its beta mainnet phase, allowing active trading across 33 perpetual markets with up to 20x leverage. During this stage, no trading rewards will be distributed, but validators and stakers will accumulate trading fees. The transition to full trading with rewards depends on the chain's stability, determined by governance votes. Additionally, dYdX is partnering with Circle and Noble chain, leveraging Circle's Cross Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) to facilitate easy, secure transfers of USDC collateral from other chains to dYdX. CCTP launched on Noble's testnet on Nov. 3 and will be on the mainnet on Nov. 28. #dYdXChain #CryptoTradingTip #NewOpportunity
The dYdX chain, built on Cosmos, has entered its beta mainnet phase, allowing active trading across 33 perpetual markets with up to 20x leverage. During this stage, no trading rewards will be distributed, but validators and stakers will accumulate trading fees. The transition to full trading with rewards depends on the chain's stability, determined by governance votes. Additionally, dYdX is partnering with Circle and Noble chain, leveraging Circle's Cross Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP) to facilitate easy, secure transfers of USDC collateral from other chains to dYdX. CCTP launched on Noble's testnet on Nov. 3 and will be on the mainnet on Nov. 28.

#dYdXChain #CryptoTradingTip #NewOpportunity
顧客の幹部らはモンテネグロへの「出張」に誘われ、そこで拉致され財布を空にするよう強制された。合計損失は約 1,250 万ドル。


A Comprehensive guide on how to participate in @meuna_io Testnet for a possible airdrop allocations. Confirmed #Airdrop🪂 Cost: $0 potential: $1k-$5k let's dive into it, time? 15mins ✅ Meuna is a decentralized protocol built on BNB chain where users can get exposure to a myriad of real-word assets through synthetics products. Meuna has confirmed to launch its own token called “$MEU” and has confirmed to do an airdrop. Early users who do testnet tasks will become eligible for an airdrop when their token goes live. so here us the steps on how to navigate and engage/interact on their tesnet page STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE: ♂️Visit the Meuna testnet page: ♂️Connect your wallet. ♂️Change the network to Binance smart chain, opBNB or Goerli testnet. ♂️Get testnet tokens from the faucet: ♂️Go back to the Meuna testnet page and claim testnet HAY tokens. ♂️Now click on “Trade” and make trades. ♂️Go to “Pool” and provide liquidity. ♂️Also, go to “Farm” and stake some tokens. ♂️Go to the “Mint” section and open a collateral. ♂️They’ve confirmed to airdrop $MEU tokens to early testnet users. Early users who do testnet tasks as mentioned above will get free $MEU when the token goes live. you can equally follow them on X @meuna_io #BullRun #BNB🔥 #CryptoCurrents
A Comprehensive guide on how to participate in @meuna_io Testnet for a possible airdrop allocations.

Confirmed #Airdrop🪂

Cost: $0

potential: $1k-$5k

let's dive into it, time? 15mins ✅

Meuna is a decentralized protocol built on BNB chain where users can get exposure to a myriad of real-word assets through synthetics products.

Meuna has confirmed to launch its own token called “$MEU” and has confirmed to do an airdrop. Early users who do testnet tasks will become eligible for an airdrop when their token goes live.

so here us the steps on how to navigate and engage/interact on their tesnet page


♂️Visit the Meuna testnet page:

♂️Connect your wallet.

♂️Change the network to Binance smart chain, opBNB or Goerli testnet.

♂️Get testnet tokens from the faucet:

♂️Go back to the Meuna testnet page and claim testnet HAY tokens.

♂️Now click on “Trade” and make trades.

♂️Go to “Pool” and provide liquidity.

♂️Also, go to “Farm” and stake some tokens.

♂️Go to the “Mint” section and open a collateral.

♂️They’ve confirmed to airdrop $MEU tokens to early testnet users. Early users who do testnet tasks as mentioned above will get free $MEU when the token goes live.

you can equally follow them on X @meuna_io

#BullRun #BNB🔥 #CryptoCurrents
e Pyth Network is an oracle providing financial market data to various blockchains. It sources data from 90+ reputable publishers, including major exchanges and market making firms. They offer price feeds for various asset classes, such as US equities, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, with frequent updates. Pyth Network is airdropping 600,000,000 PYTH to users of various ecosystem participants, community members and Pyth NFT holders. Users who interacted with various blockchain ecosystems that use Pyth Network data, such as Solana, Aptos, Sui, Cosmos, and the EVM ecosystem, Pyth NFT holders and users with special Discord roles are eligible for the airdrop. STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE: Visit the Pyth airdrop page: Review your airdrop eligibility by connecting your wallets. If you’re eligible, then you will be able to claim PYTH tokens when the claim goes live. Eligible participants are: EVM ecosystem participants such as Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base, zkSync Era, Linea, BNB Chain, Polygon, Polygon zkEVM, Optimsm, Aurora, Avalanche, Celo, Gnosis, KuCoin Community Chain, Mantle, Meter, Conflux Space, Cronos and Wemix. Move ecosystem participants such as Aptos and Sui Cosmos ecosystem participants such as Evmos, Osmosis, Injective, Neutron and Sei Solana ecosystem participants Users with special Discord roles Various Pyth NFT holders The snapshot of individuals’ on-chain activity was taken on September 1st, 2023. The snapshot of special Discord role users and Pyth NFT holders was taken on October 25, 2023. The claim is not yet live. Follow Pyth Network’s official social channels to stay updated on when it goes live. The team has confirmed that there will be future airdrops, providing future opportunities to be eligible. To stay in the loop follow up on their socials: Twitter: Discord: Telegram: #Airdrop🪂 #sol #CryptoCurrents #DeFiUnleashed

Pyth Network is an oracle providing financial market data to various blockchains. It sources data from 90+ reputable publishers, including major exchanges and market making firms. They offer price feeds for various asset classes, such as US equities, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, with frequent updates.

Pyth Network is airdropping 600,000,000 PYTH to users of various ecosystem participants, community members and Pyth NFT holders. Users who interacted with various blockchain ecosystems that use Pyth Network data, such as Solana, Aptos, Sui, Cosmos, and the EVM ecosystem, Pyth NFT holders and users with special Discord roles are eligible for the airdrop.


Visit the Pyth airdrop page:

Review your airdrop eligibility by connecting your wallets.

If you’re eligible, then you will be able to claim PYTH tokens when the claim goes live.

Eligible participants are:

EVM ecosystem participants such as Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base, zkSync Era, Linea, BNB Chain, Polygon, Polygon zkEVM, Optimsm, Aurora, Avalanche, Celo, Gnosis, KuCoin Community Chain, Mantle, Meter, Conflux Space, Cronos and Wemix.

Move ecosystem participants such as Aptos and Sui

Cosmos ecosystem participants such as Evmos, Osmosis, Injective, Neutron and Sei

Solana ecosystem participants

Users with special Discord roles

Various Pyth NFT holders

The snapshot of individuals’ on-chain activity was taken on September 1st, 2023.

The snapshot of special Discord role users and Pyth NFT holders was taken on October 25, 2023.

The claim is not yet live. Follow Pyth Network’s official social channels to stay updated on when it goes live.

The team has confirmed that there will be future airdrops, providing future opportunities to be eligible.

To stay in the loop
follow up on their socials:




#Airdrop🪂 #sol #CryptoCurrents #DeFiUnleashed
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