Binance Square
📢⛔ P2P詐欺警告⛔⛔ $20000消失😭⛔⛔🚨 私のフォロワーの一人がP2P取引を完了した後、銀行口座が凍結されました。彼が何が起こったのか説明しています。 こんにちは 今日は私の銀行口座がどうやって 凍結されたのか、そしてそれを避けて資金を守る方法をお話しします。 実は今年の2月、私は何かを食べていて、UPIで支払おうとしたのですがエラーが出ました。私はそれを普通だと思い、再度試みましたが、うまくいきませんでした。何かおかしいと感じたので、銀行に連絡しました。すると、彼らは私の銀行口座を凍結するように指示があったと知らせてくれました。非合法な資金のためです。 それから、誰かがP2Pで私に支払ったことが詐欺だったことを知りました。彼が取引した全ての口座が凍結されました。 だから、50%未満の取引と95%未満の完了率の人とは絶対に取引しないでください。 そして、常にバイナンスアカウントの名前と同じ銀行口座名義で支払いをしてください。 #P2P詐欺警告 #安全第一 (追記:その銀行口座はまだ凍結されています😢) あなたやあなたの知っている誰かに似たようなことが起こった場合は教えてください。
📢⛔ P2P詐欺警告⛔⛔ $20000消失😭⛔⛔🚨






#P2P詐欺警告 #安全第一
価格予測が漏れました HMSTRの価格が1 $hmstr = 2500$に増加 クジラたちがhmstrを購入しています。トランプの勝利後、暗号通貨の価格の突然の上昇は衝撃的です。 価格は上がると思いますか、それとも上がらないですか? @BounceBitによる記事もお読みください。 BounceBitは、かつては量的ファンドやエリート資産マネージャーに予約されていたビットコイン資産クラス内の高利回り機会へのアクセスを民主化することで、革命を起こしています。最先端のCeDeFi(中央集権型・分散型金融)インフラを通じて、BounceBitは小売投資家や小規模機関が透明で安全な利回り生成製品の恩恵を受けるための扉を開きます。この革新は、ユーザーがCeFiの利点とDeFiのセキュリティと透明性を融合させたシームレスなエコシステム内で資産を成長させることを可能にします。 このプラットフォームは、流動性保管トークン(LCT)を導入し、CEFFUのmirrorXソリューションと提携して、ユーザーがステーキングやDeFiを通じてオンチェーンで収入を得ることができるだけでなく、CeFiチャンネルを通じてオフエクスチェンジでも収入を得ることができるようにします。これら二つの世界を橋渡しすることで、BounceBitは収益の可能性を最大化し、柔軟性を提供し、トークン保有者が再ステーキングし、オンチェーンのDeFiファーミングに参加できるようにします。 BounceBitのCeDeFiインフラは、ビットコインと$BBトークンによって保護された二重トークンのプルーフ・オブ・ステーク(PoS)レイヤー1チェーンによってさらに強化されており、堅牢なセキュリティを提供しながら完全なEVM互換性を維持しています。このセットアップは、ステーキング、スワップ、ミームトークン発行、DeFiデリバティブ取引などの幅広い利回り生成活動をサポートし、ユーザーが多様な収入源にアクセスできることを確保します。BounceBitは、CeDeFiのユースケースを継続的に拡大し、機関投資家向けの利回り商品を提供することで、高利回りの機会をすべての人に提供し、分散型金融の未来のためのサービスとしてCeDeFiを先駆けています。 #Debate2024 $BB @BounceBit
価格予測が漏れました HMSTRの価格が1 $hmstr = 2500$に増加
#Debate2024 $BB @BounceBit
$HMSTR 保有者、もっと買わないでください注意 $HMSTR 保有者🚨 これが百万回目の言葉ですが、はっきりさせましょう: もしあなたが既に $HMSTR を持っているなら、強く保持してください。 もっと買わないでください—長期的に考えている場合を除いて。 これが百万回目の言葉ですが、はっきりさせましょう: もしあなたが既に $HMSTR を持っているなら、強く保持してください。 もっと買わないでください—長期的に考えている場合を除いて。 市場のボラティリティの理解 暗号通貨市場は notoriously volatile です。価格は数時間で劇的に変動することがあり、投資家の間に興奮と不安をもたらします。ここから急激な上昇が見られるか、数日または数週間続く下落が見られるかもしれません。このボラティリティはゲームの一部であることを認識することが重要です。

$HMSTR 保有者、もっと買わないでください

注意 $HMSTR 保有者🚨

これが百万回目の言葉ですが、はっきりさせましょう: もしあなたが既に $HMSTR を持っているなら、強く保持してください。 もっと買わないでください—長期的に考えている場合を除いて。
これが百万回目の言葉ですが、はっきりさせましょう: もしあなたが既に $HMSTR を持っているなら、強く保持してください。 もっと買わないでください—長期的に考えている場合を除いて。

暗号通貨市場は notoriously volatile です。価格は数時間で劇的に変動することがあり、投資家の間に興奮と不安をもたらします。ここから急激な上昇が見られるか、数日または数週間続く下落が見られるかもしれません。このボラティリティはゲームの一部であることを認識することが重要です。
ビットコインの抵抗とのダンス:58kはついに突破されるのか? ビットコインは下降チャネルをナビゲートし続けており、58kのレベルが究極の守護者として機能しています。これを上回る日次クローズは明るい空を示唆しますが、本当の強気のモメンタムが始まるためには、60kを決定的に征服する必要があります。 現時点では、58kは堅固です。ビットコインがここに留まると、52kの下のトレンドラインへ向かうディップの可能性が高まります。チャートは慎重な状況を描いています。 主なポイント: 58k、頑固な天井:いくつかの期待できる動きがあったにもかかわらず、ビットコインは抵抗を突破していません。 弱気の風が戻る可能性:BTCが58kの下に留まる時間が長くなるほど、52kのマークを再訪する可能性が高まります。 FED会合が近づいている:期待が高まる中、ビットコインは57kと58kの間を踊るかもしれません。 強気のささやきが漂っていますが、58kは破るべきレベルです。60kを強く押し上げなければ、52kに戻るリスクが依然として残ります。 免責事項:第三者の意見が含まれています。金融アドバイスではありません。スポンサー付きコンテンツが含まれている可能性があります。利用規約をご覧ください。 BTC価格:58,141.26 (+0.06%) エンゲージメント:11.5kビュー、11いいね、0引用、0チップ、2シェア、1返信
BTC価格:58,141.26 (+0.06%)
Bitcoin — Why Yesterday's Move Was Rather Bearish! I know I know: Bitcoin jumped almost 5%. The bulls kicked the bears out of the town. We are so back! 100k is next! If you have read something like this, please unfollow the person immediately. But let's start with the positive aspects: Yes, the bulls are still here, and it was good to see that the fake bear flag didn't play out (surprise, surprise). However, there are three reasons why I am convinced that Bitcoin won't go much higher at this point. 1 — Rejected at Key Level As lovely as the pump was, the bulls lost steam at the crucial level: 57.5k. This level is the bottom trend line of the consolidation channel. It looks like the beats were waiting to punch the bulls in the face. Therefore, yesterday's price action looks like a retest of the breakout five days ago. So far, the bulls have failed to push through. 2 — No Higher High, Yet Currently, it looks as if the price wants to reverse at the 57.5k level. If this is the case, Bitcoin has made another lower high, which further seconds its ongoing downtrend. 3 — CME Gap Finally, we have a CME gap slightly above 54k. Typically, these gaps get filled sooner or later. They act like magnets unless there's strong bullish momentum (which I don't see right now). Putting It Together The bulls are alive—that's good. But the chances of going (much) higher at this point are low. A lower high, rejection at the key level and a CME gap that wants to be filled make another dive likely before we finally take off.
Bitcoin — Why Yesterday's Move Was Rather Bearish!
I know I know: Bitcoin jumped almost 5%. The bulls kicked the bears out of the town. We are so back! 100k is next!
If you have read something like this, please unfollow the person immediately.
But let's start with the positive aspects: Yes, the bulls are still here, and it was good to see that the fake bear flag didn't play out (surprise, surprise).
However, there are three reasons why I am convinced that Bitcoin won't go much higher at this point.
1 — Rejected at Key Level
As lovely as the pump was, the bulls lost steam at the crucial level: 57.5k. This level is the bottom trend line of the consolidation channel. It looks like the beats were waiting to punch the bulls in the face.
Therefore, yesterday's price action looks like a retest of the breakout five days ago. So far, the bulls have failed to push through.
2 — No Higher High, Yet
Currently, it looks as if the price wants to reverse at the 57.5k level. If this is the case, Bitcoin has made another lower high, which further seconds its ongoing downtrend.
3 — CME Gap
Finally, we have a CME gap slightly above 54k. Typically, these gaps get filled sooner or later. They act like magnets unless there's strong bullish momentum (which I don't see right now).
Putting It Together
The bulls are alive—that's good. But the chances of going (much) higher at this point are low. A lower high, rejection at the key level and a CME gap that wants to be filled make another dive likely before we finally take off.
#BullRunAhead 📈📈 (BTC は上昇前に下落) 楽観的になりすぎないように気をつけてください。‼️ 現時点では、9 月までに 2 つの選択肢があると考えています。ビットコインが 45 ~ 37k に下落し、その後指数関数的に成長して強気相場になるか、8 月に徐々にゆっくりと成長し、9 月 18 日以降は翌年に向けてより自信を持って成長するかです。 暗号通貨市場が上昇している世界的な #1 の理由は、9 月に連邦準備制度理事会 (FRB) が金利を引き下げる可能性が高まっていることです。 ビットコインが上昇する前にまだ下落する可能性がある理由は、これが主要なマーケット メーカーによる世界的な購入の最後の下降です。 2024年末までに、世界的なブラックスワン(中東情勢の悪化など)が発生しなければ、ビットコインは8万ドルを超えると予想しています。 #BullRunAhead $BTC #dump
#BullRunAhead 📈📈

(BTC は上昇前に下落)

現時点では、9 月までに 2 つの選択肢があると考えています。ビットコインが 45 ~ 37k に下落し、その後指数関数的に成長して強気相場になるか、8 月に徐々にゆっくりと成長し、9 月 18 日以降は翌年に向けてより自信を持って成長するかです。

暗号通貨市場が上昇している世界的な #1 の理由は、9 月に連邦準備制度理事会 (FRB) が金利を引き下げる可能性が高まっていることです。

ビットコインが上昇する前にまだ下落する可能性がある理由は、これが主要なマーケット メーカーによる世界的な購入の最後の下降です。


#BullRunAhead $BTC #dump
Bitcoin is going to $100,000 sooner thank you think but… Most of you are going to say: 1. Bitcoin is down 33% and the bull run is over. 2. Entities are selling their Bitcoin. German Gov't, Mt. Gox, FTX Creditor. 3. The Bank of Japan is raising rates. The global market is going to collapse. But did you know: 1. The German Gov't has no Bitcoin left to sell. Mt. Gox Creditors and FTX Creditors are not selling. 2. The Bank of Japan says no more rate hikes. 3. The FED is expected to cut rates in September. Lower rates, more money. 4. Crypto is being used in the election. Trump and Kennedy are pro-crypto. Even Harris is trying to join the party. 5. Crypto is in the Senate. Sen. Lummis proposed a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve bill that aims to raise 1 million Bitcoin within 5 years. 6. States are passing a bill to protect Bitcoin Rights. Oklahoma and Missouri have passed the bill. Ohio, South Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee and more have proposed the same bill. 7. Institutions are buying Bitcoin. Microstrategy is raising $2 billion to buy more Bitcoin. Metaplanet is raising 10 billion Yen to buy more Bitcoin. Along with these two is Semler Scientific which continuously buys Bitcoin. 8. Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs. Bitcoin ETF is successful with over $50 billion onchain holdings within 6 months. Ethereum ETF have $6.6 billion onchain holdings within 12 trading days. 9. Institutions are reporting that they hold Bitcoin through Bitcoin ETF shares. There are over 700+ institutions for Q1 2024. 10. Morgan Stanley has its 15,000 financial advisers recommend Bitcoin ETF to its wealthy clients. **** The world started to adopt Bitcoin. So if you are still bearish on Bitcoin, then you are looking too close to it. Step back, zoom out, and then you can see the bigger picture.
Bitcoin is going to $100,000 sooner
thank you think but…

Most of you are going to say:
1. Bitcoin is down 33% and the bull run is over.

2. Entities are selling their Bitcoin. German Gov't, Mt. Gox, FTX Creditor.

3. The Bank of Japan is raising rates. The global market is going to collapse.
But did you know:

1. The German Gov't has no Bitcoin left to sell. Mt. Gox Creditors and FTX Creditors are not selling.

2. The Bank of Japan says no more rate hikes.

3. The FED is expected to cut rates in September. Lower rates, more money.

4. Crypto is being used in the election. Trump and Kennedy are pro-crypto. Even Harris is trying to join the party.

5. Crypto is in the Senate. Sen. Lummis proposed a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve bill that aims to raise 1 million Bitcoin within 5 years.

6. States are passing a bill to protect Bitcoin Rights. Oklahoma and Missouri have passed the bill. Ohio, South Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee and more have proposed the same bill.

7. Institutions are buying Bitcoin. Microstrategy is raising $2 billion to buy more Bitcoin. Metaplanet is raising 10 billion Yen to buy more Bitcoin. Along with these two is Semler Scientific which continuously buys Bitcoin.

8. Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs. Bitcoin ETF is successful with over $50 billion onchain holdings within 6 months. Ethereum ETF have $6.6 billion onchain holdings within 12 trading days.

9. Institutions are reporting that they hold Bitcoin through Bitcoin ETF shares. There are over 700+ institutions for Q1 2024.

10. Morgan Stanley has its 15,000 financial advisers recommend Bitcoin ETF to its wealthy clients.
The world started to adopt Bitcoin. So if you are still bearish on Bitcoin, then you are looking too close to it. Step back, zoom out, and then you can see the bigger picture.
$BTC will pump to $68,000 & $70,000. Here is full detail why? First of all , Alhamdulillah as predicted 2 days ago when price at $67k#BTC☀ ☀ drop to $64K which is our buying range. For proof check below mentioned post. Note: Read full post from first line to last line carefully . Otherwise it is harmful for you to read partially . So, let's discuss what is next movement of BTC and why? The answer is that BTC will pump toward: 1. $66,200 2. $68,218 3. $69,900 These are our t.p for upward direction. Recently as shown in below image BTC is forming rising wedge and trading at trend line support . We can see a bounce from here so we have added 50% of our portfolio in BTC and alts coins out of 80% that we sold at 67K. We will accumulate alts coins and BTC in range of $64K with 50% and wait for pump. Also we will keep 30% free to buy in range of $62,200 - $63,900 if market give opportunity . Note: These are my personal buying and selling zone. Do your own research before investing . Theme of talk: Buy with 50% around $64,000 and 30% at $62,900 if market allow. After buying wait for 66K, 68K, 69,900. Complete 100 likes for next analysis . Follow #MU_Traders. for more updates . #cryptonyusu #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA Follow @Technical Trading for technical analysis . $ETH $BTC $ENA {spot}(ETHUSDT)
$BTC will pump to $68,000 & $70,000. Here is full detail why?

First of all , Alhamdulillah as predicted 2 days ago when price at $67k#BTC☀ ☀ drop to $64K which is our buying range. For proof check below mentioned post.

Note: Read full post from first line to last line carefully . Otherwise it is harmful for you to read partially .

So, let's discuss what is next movement of BTC and why? The answer is that BTC will pump toward:

1. $66,200

2. $68,218

3. $69,900

These are our t.p for upward direction. Recently as shown in below image BTC is forming rising wedge and trading at trend line support . We can see a bounce from here so we have added 50% of our portfolio in BTC and alts coins out of 80% that we sold at 67K. We will accumulate alts coins and BTC in range of $64K with 50% and wait for pump. Also we will keep 30% free to buy in range of $62,200 - $63,900 if market give opportunity .

Note: These are my personal buying and selling zone. Do your own research before investing .
Theme of talk: Buy with 50% around $64,000 and 30% at $62,900 if market allow. After buying wait for 66K, 68K, 69,900.

Complete 100 likes for next analysis . Follow #MU_Traders. for more updates .

#cryptonyusu #Bitcoin_Coneference_2024 #BinanceHODLerBANANA
Follow @Technical Trading for technical analysis . $ETH $BTC $ENA
お金の自由を世界中に広めるには、アクセスしやすく包括的なエコシステムを構築する必要があります。 それが目標です。

seeing so much bad advice being shared, I felt compelled to step in. Here’s my take: ### Mindset Over Mechanics Trading is 90% psychology and only 10% skill and analysis. Developing a trader’s mindset is crucial. For those serious about understanding the psychology of trading, I highly recommend *Trading in the Zone* by Mark Douglas. ### Own Your Decisions Don’t blame the market or external factors. Take responsibility for your actions regardless of the outcome. If you lose money, it’s on you, not the market. Remember, the market doesn't tell you to buy or sell; the decision is entirely yours. Blaming whales or market manipulators is a cop-out. ### Master Risk Management Proper risk management is key. Limit your risk to 1%-3% of your total capital, based on your risk tolerance. While this may not yield massive profits quickly, it ensures sustainability. Making money in trading is a marathon, not a sprint. Instant profits are a myth; chasing them is akin to gambling. And we all know what happens to gamblers in the long run. ### Use Stop-Loss Orders I still see many traders operating without stop-losses and then complaining when they get liquidated. Using stop-loss orders is non-negotiable. ### Position Sizing Learn to calculate the right position size—how much crypto to buy—based on your risk parameters. Proper risk and position sizing are far more important than leverage. As long as your liquidation price is outside your stop-loss, leverage is secondary. ### Final Thoughts The essentials are clear: focus on proper risk management and position sizing to navigate the market effectively.
seeing so much bad advice being shared, I felt compelled to step in. Here’s my take:

### Mindset Over Mechanics
Trading is 90% psychology and only 10% skill and analysis. Developing a trader’s mindset is crucial. For those serious about understanding the psychology of trading, I highly recommend *Trading in the Zone* by Mark Douglas.

### Own Your Decisions
Don’t blame the market or external factors. Take responsibility for your actions regardless of the outcome. If you lose money, it’s on you, not the market. Remember, the market doesn't tell you to buy or sell; the decision is entirely yours. Blaming whales or market manipulators is a cop-out.

### Master Risk Management
Proper risk management is key. Limit your risk to 1%-3% of your total capital, based on your risk tolerance. While this may not yield massive profits quickly, it ensures sustainability. Making money in trading is a marathon, not a sprint. Instant profits are a myth; chasing them is akin to gambling. And we all know what happens to gamblers in the long run.

### Use Stop-Loss Orders
I still see many traders operating without stop-losses and then complaining when they get liquidated. Using stop-loss orders is non-negotiable.

### Position Sizing
Learn to calculate the right position size—how much crypto to buy—based on your risk parameters. Proper risk and position sizing are far more important than leverage. As long as your liquidation price is outside your stop-loss, leverage is secondary.

### Final Thoughts
The essentials are clear: focus on proper risk management and position sizing to navigate the market effectively.
Here’s the naked truth, folks—I hate to say it, but here it is: **$BTC** Current Price: $58,460.02 (-3.96%) Slowly but surely, Bitcoin is heading towards the $50K-$55K range. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but that’s the reality we’re facing. If you’re looking to invest or trade, my advice is to relax and use limit orders to buy your tokens. The market’s direction is uncertain, and it doesn’t seem like we’ll see an increase anytime soon. **$BNB** Current Price: $532.9 (-5.91%) Expect a drop to $500, and if we’re unlucky, it could dip even further below $500. Again, using limit orders is wise to avoid potential losses. **$ETH** Current Price: $3,186.6 (-5.01%) Ethereum is likely to fall below $3,000, possibly down to $2,500-$2,800. **Solana (SOL)** Currently around $133, and it could drop below that mark if things take a turn for the worse. Limit orders are your friend here as well. I hope this makes sense. Just remember, this isn’t financial advice. Please do your own research and never rely solely on someone else’s words. It’s all speculation based on market observations. Avoid buying during dips, don’t hold, and minimize your risk. #MarketTrends #cryptoadvices #TradeSmart" #LimitOrders #CryptoObservations
Here’s the naked truth, folks—I hate to say it, but here it is:

Current Price: $58,460.02 (-3.96%)
Slowly but surely, Bitcoin is heading towards the $50K-$55K range. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but that’s the reality we’re facing. If you’re looking to invest or trade, my advice is to relax and use limit orders to buy your tokens. The market’s direction is uncertain, and it doesn’t seem like we’ll see an increase anytime soon.

Current Price: $532.9 (-5.91%)
Expect a drop to $500, and if we’re unlucky, it could dip even further below $500. Again, using limit orders is wise to avoid potential losses.

Current Price: $3,186.6 (-5.01%)
Ethereum is likely to fall below $3,000, possibly down to $2,500-$2,800.

**Solana (SOL)**
Currently around $133, and it could drop below that mark if things take a turn for the worse. Limit orders are your friend here as well.

I hope this makes sense. Just remember, this isn’t financial advice. Please do your own research and never rely solely on someone else’s words. It’s all speculation based on market observations. Avoid buying during dips, don’t hold, and minimize your risk.

#MarketTrends #cryptoadvices #TradeSmart" #LimitOrders #CryptoObservations
Today, I want to remind everyone, especially those new to the cryptocurrency world, of a crucial precaution. It's not about hackers or viruses, but a simple mistake that could wipe out your wallet with no chance of recovery! When updating your cryptocurrency apps on your mobile phone, proceed slowly and carefully. Many domestic mobile phones view these apps, like wallets and exchange apps, as high-risk software or even viruses. Occasionally, you'll be prompted to update the software, and this is when you must be extra cautious. Take a look at the following scenario: after downloading the update installation package, your phone might warn you of detected risks and suggest exiting the installation and deleting the package. Do not click to delete! If your wallet isn't backed up, a single mistake could result in a total loss. With apps like Binance, OK, and others now linked to Web3 wallets, deleting without backup can cause significant trouble. Even though it might just delete the update package, there's a risk the original software could be removed too. Instead, select "Install regardless of risk" and proceed. However, the danger isn’t over yet. Post-installation, your phone might again prompt you about a risky app, suggesting immediate uninstallation. Do not click uninstall! This action will definitely remove your app. Therefore, when updating any cryptocurrency app, take your time and proceed carefully. If prompted again, choose "Ignore Risk." Only then can you ensure everything remains intact and your wallet stays safe. #NewProtocol #BeginnerTrader #Beginners #Write2Earn! #altcoins binance
Today, I want to remind everyone, especially those new to the cryptocurrency world, of a crucial precaution. It's not about hackers or viruses, but a simple mistake that could wipe out your wallet with no chance of recovery!
When updating your cryptocurrency apps on your mobile phone, proceed slowly and carefully. Many domestic mobile phones view these apps, like wallets and exchange apps, as high-risk software or even viruses. Occasionally, you'll be prompted to update the software, and this is when you must be extra cautious.
Take a look at the following scenario: after downloading the update installation package, your phone might warn you of detected risks and suggest exiting the installation and deleting the package. Do not click to delete! If your wallet isn't backed up, a single mistake could result in a total loss. With apps like Binance, OK, and others now linked to Web3 wallets, deleting without backup can cause significant trouble. Even though it might just delete the update package, there's a risk the original software could be removed too. Instead, select "Install regardless of risk" and proceed.
However, the danger isn’t over yet. Post-installation, your phone might again prompt you about a risky app, suggesting immediate uninstallation. Do not click uninstall! This action will definitely remove your app. Therefore, when updating any cryptocurrency app, take your time and proceed carefully. If prompted again, choose "Ignore Risk." Only then can you ensure everything remains intact and your wallet stays safe.
#NewProtocol #BeginnerTrader #Beginners #Write2Earn! #altcoins binance
I must admit this bull market is is worst so far, and in my opinion ETF playing its role. Well it’s not highly likely but be prepared, $BTC can test 58k, 56K and 52K levels. You might be thinking I am bearish on BTC, no I am not! We are in bull market until and unless BTC stays above 50K. Can we enter in bearish market from here? Not impossible but odds are very low. So sit tight, keep accumulating your favourite tokens, a tide will come. How big it will be, nobody knows. I will keep adding $SOL $FET and $JTO in my bag. Good luck!
I must admit this bull market is is worst so far, and in my opinion ETF playing its role. Well it’s not highly likely but be prepared, $BTC can test 58k, 56K and 52K levels. You might be thinking I am bearish on BTC, no I am not! We are in bull market until and unless BTC stays above 50K. Can we enter in bearish market from here? Not impossible but odds are very low. So sit tight, keep accumulating your favourite tokens, a tide will come. How big it will be, nobody knows. I will keep adding $SOL $FET and $JTO in my bag. Good luck!
🔥💥ALERT ALERT ALERT 🔥💥 * :- Hold Your Profits! At the start of a bull market, taking profits prematurely can be a significant mistake. Here's why: You've endured months of losses and now, as prices begin to rise, you might feel relieved and tempted to sell. But remember, this is just the beginning of the uptrend. Selling too early means you could miss out on substantial gains. The market is finally showing its potential—don't turn away now. Understand where you are in the market cycle and remain patient. Allow the market to complete its course. Your future self will thank you. #IntroToCopytrading #altcoins binance #Write2Earn #BinanceTournament! #megadrop

* :- Hold Your Profits!
At the start of a bull market, taking profits prematurely can be a significant mistake. Here's why:

You've endured months of losses and now, as prices begin to rise, you might feel relieved and tempted to sell. But remember, this is just the beginning of the uptrend.

Selling too early means you could miss out on substantial gains. The market is finally showing its potential—don't turn away now. Understand where you are in the market cycle and remain patient.

Allow the market to complete its course. Your future self will thank you.

#IntroToCopytrading #altcoins binance #Write2Earn #BinanceTournament! #megadrop
🔴🔴 Important Notice for Traders 🔴🔴 $SOL $NOT $BTC Calling all futures traders! This update is critical for your strategy. 🔴 The Dangers of Leverage: A Deep Dive I've stressed this point repeatedly: "Newcomers to crypto should avoid futures and leverage. Even seasoned traders with years of experience should proceed with caution." Let's delve into the impact of leverage on the crypto market. 🔴 Unpacking Leverage Leverage allows you to trade with borrowed funds. For example, using $500 with 10X leverage means you can trade as if you had $5000. If the market drops by 10%, your position risks liquidation, prompting a series of sell-offs to cover the exchange's margin. This can trigger a chain reaction of sell orders, exacerbating price declines. 🔴 The Ripple Effect of High Leverage Imagine a scenario where 100,000 traders are using 10X leverage on ETH across different levels. A modest 10% decline could trigger widespread liquidations, leading to cascading sell-offs and significant price drops. The risk of cascading liquidations increases the likelihood of flash crashes, where prices plummet rapidly within minutes. 🔴 Mitigating the Risk of Flash Crashes Excessive leverage poses a clear risk of flash crashes, where ETH and other assets may experience sudden drops of 15-20% due to mass liquidations. This phenomenon mirrors challenges seen in traditional finance, particularly with banks and hedge funds. Exercise prudence, trade wisely, and avoid excessive leverage to navigate these turbulent market conditions effectively. Your strategic decisions today can safeguard your investments tomorrow. #BinanceTournament #MicroStrategy" #Write2Earn! #alcoins
🔴🔴 Important Notice for Traders 🔴🔴
Calling all futures traders! This update is critical for your strategy.

🔴 The Dangers of Leverage: A Deep Dive
I've stressed this point repeatedly: "Newcomers to crypto should avoid futures and leverage. Even seasoned traders with years of experience should proceed with caution." Let's delve into the impact of leverage on the crypto market.

🔴 Unpacking Leverage
Leverage allows you to trade with borrowed funds. For example, using $500 with 10X leverage means you can trade as if you had $5000. If the market drops by 10%, your position risks liquidation, prompting a series of sell-offs to cover the exchange's margin. This can trigger a chain reaction of sell orders, exacerbating price declines.

🔴 The Ripple Effect of High Leverage
Imagine a scenario where 100,000 traders are using 10X leverage on ETH across different levels. A modest 10% decline could trigger widespread liquidations, leading to cascading sell-offs and significant price drops. The risk of cascading liquidations increases the likelihood of flash crashes, where prices plummet rapidly within minutes.

🔴 Mitigating the Risk of Flash Crashes
Excessive leverage poses a clear risk of flash crashes, where ETH and other assets may experience sudden drops of 15-20% due to mass liquidations. This phenomenon mirrors challenges seen in traditional finance, particularly with banks and hedge funds.

Exercise prudence, trade wisely, and avoid excessive leverage to navigate these turbulent market conditions effectively. Your strategic decisions today can safeguard your investments tomorrow.
#BinanceTournament #MicroStrategy" #Write2Earn! #alcoins
3 Altcoins To Sell As Market FluctuatesAltcoins are moving sideways after attempts at a rebound yesterday. Several market areas are trading in this direction with bulls repositioning during mid-week trading. Although slight gains were recorded at press time, sentiment remained low following days in the red zone. Last week, crypto assets recorded sharp losses plummeting the market cap to lows not recorded in a month. SirWin Macro factors led to exits from Bitcoin as the price dropped below $61,000. This sparked a major sell-off in al

3 Altcoins To Sell As Market Fluctuates

Altcoins are moving sideways after attempts at a rebound yesterday. Several market areas are trading in this direction with bulls repositioning during mid-week trading. Although slight gains were recorded at press time, sentiment remained low following days in the red zone. Last week, crypto assets recorded sharp losses plummeting the market cap to lows not recorded in a month.
Macro factors led to exits from Bitcoin as the price dropped below $61,000. This sparked a major sell-off in al
From time to time, people ask me: “How can I start my crypto journey?” Here are my 3 tips: 1. Understand: Take the time to learn about blockchain, crypto, and other fundamentals. 2. Research: Explore different chains, protocols, and projects. Key here is to DYOR (Do Your Own Research). 3. Try: Start small and use a reputable platform. Explore and constantly reassess your strategy. ⚠️ Not financial advice! Just tips I picked up throughout the years.
From time to time, people ask me: “How can I start my crypto journey?”

Here are my 3 tips:

1. Understand: Take the time to learn about blockchain, crypto, and other fundamentals.

2. Research: Explore different chains, protocols, and projects. Key here is to DYOR (Do Your Own Research).

3. Try: Start small and use a reputable platform. Explore and constantly reassess your strategy.
⚠️ Not financial advice! Just tips I picked up throughout the years.
Common Mistakes and Why Most People Lose Money in Crypto. Lack of Knowledge One of the most common mistakes beginner investors make is investing in cryptocurrencies without first studying the market. Cryptocurrencies are not just a new financial instrument; they are also extremely volatile. Ignorance of the basics and specifics of blockchain, algorithms, security, and factors affecting prices can lead to poor investment decisions. Following the Crowd Many investors buy at peak prices when the asset has already reached its maximum price due to hype. This is followed by an inevitable decline, trapping new market participants with assets whose value has significantly decreased. Underestimating Risks The cryptocurrency market is extremely risky due to its instability and unpredictability. Investors who ignore the need for risk management, such as using stop-losses or diversifying their portfolios, often face significant losses. Following Signals On forums and social networks, there are many "experts" offering dubious investment advice or promoting new, unverified cryptocurrencies. Investments based on unverified information can lead to substantial financial losses. Phishing and Fraud The cryptocurrency market attracts many scammers. Phishing attacks, data theft, and unscrupulous ICOs are just some of the threats users may face. It is important to use reliable and proven crypto wallets and exchange platforms, and regularly update your knowledge of security measures. Conclusion Investing in cryptocurrencies can be profitable, but it requires caution, education, and a clear plan of action. Education, thorough analysis, and proper risk management are your best protection against losses in this complex and dynamic market. Do not let emotions drive your investment decisions and be attentive to your information sources. #MicroStrategy #SmartStrategy
Common Mistakes and Why Most People Lose Money in Crypto.

Lack of Knowledge

One of the most common mistakes beginner investors make is investing in cryptocurrencies without first studying the market. Cryptocurrencies are not just a new financial instrument; they are also extremely volatile. Ignorance of the basics and specifics of blockchain, algorithms, security, and factors affecting prices can lead to poor investment decisions.

Following the Crowd

Many investors buy at peak prices when the asset has already reached its maximum price due to hype. This is followed by an inevitable decline, trapping new market participants with assets whose value has significantly decreased.

Underestimating Risks

The cryptocurrency market is extremely risky due to its instability and unpredictability. Investors who ignore the need for risk management, such as using stop-losses or diversifying their portfolios, often face significant losses.

Following Signals

On forums and social networks, there are many "experts" offering dubious investment advice or promoting new, unverified cryptocurrencies. Investments based on unverified information can lead to substantial financial losses.

Phishing and Fraud

The cryptocurrency market attracts many scammers. Phishing attacks, data theft, and unscrupulous ICOs are just some of the threats users may face. It is important to use reliable and proven crypto wallets and exchange platforms, and regularly update your knowledge of security measures.


Investing in cryptocurrencies can be profitable, but it requires caution, education, and a clear plan of action. Education, thorough analysis, and proper risk management are your best protection against losses in this complex and dynamic market. Do not let emotions drive your investment decisions and be attentive to your information sources.

#MicroStrategy #SmartStrategy
Hi everyone ! please attention if you see the price of every crypto currency becomes lower and lower why? because there is addition (in some coins )of tokens, especially in MTL will add tokens onward 26 June . Maybe the price of MTL become great or low but people selling MTL because the price of MTL maybe become lower due to addition of more tokens .
Hi everyone ! please attention
if you see the price of every crypto currency becomes lower and lower why?
because there is addition (in some coins )of tokens, especially in MTL will add tokens onward 26 June .
Maybe the price of MTL become great or low but people selling MTL because the price of MTL maybe become lower due to addition of more tokens .
#WhalesBuying #Whalestrap Hi everyone this is whales trap they are slowly taking profit as June ,July is going also news of war. How I suggested to everyone this time you need to keep hold tightly just and when the bearish mood ll be finished try to put more in your holding , always buy in spot with patience and for long terms. Market is falling because of oversold and continue selling also the #hackers attacking continually to theft assets from exchange and from whales. Except war news other things commonly happen in these month every year however the hackers and scamers ll be continually active until December so keep changing your password dont try to use your emails in multiple websites. Try not to use various unsafe website and VPN. #Megadrop #MicroStrategy $SOL $ETH $BTC Follow me to get informed latest update.

Hi everyone this is whales trap they are slowly taking profit as June ,July is going also news of war.

How I suggested to everyone this time you need to keep hold tightly just and when the bearish mood ll be finished try to put more in your holding ,

always buy in spot with patience and for long terms. Market is falling because of oversold and continue selling also the #hackers attacking continually to theft assets from exchange and from whales.

Except war news other things commonly happen in these month every year however the hackers and scamers ll be continually active until December so keep changing your password dont try to use your emails in multiple websites. Try not to use various unsafe website and VPN.

#Megadrop #MicroStrategy $SOL $ETH $BTC
Follow me to get informed latest update.
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